Thanks Damon! I really appreciate how clear your emails are here. Instead
of my usual feeling of "I don't quite understand, and don't have time to
get context" I can read all the context in the mail.
This error message had confused me, so I really appreciate the cleanup and

On Fri, Dec 2, 2022, 7:28 PM Damon Douglas via dev <>

> Hello Everyone,
> *If you are new to Beam and coming from non-Java language conventions, it
> is likely you are new to gradle.  At the end of this email is a list of
> definitions and references to help understand this email.*
> *Short Version (For those who know gradle)*:
> A pull request [1] may fix the continual error message "Error: Backend
> initialization required, please run "terraform init"".  The PR applies Task
> Configuration Avoidance [2] by applying changes to a few tasks from
> tasks(String) to tasks.register(String).
> *Long Version (For those who are not as familiar with gradle)*:
> I write this not as an expert but as someone still learning.  Gradle [3]
> is the software we use in the Beam repository to automate many needed tasks
> associated with building and testing code.  It is typically used in Java
> projects but can be extended for other purposes.  We store code related to
> our Beam Playground [4] that also uses gradle though it is not mainly a
> Java project.  The unit of work for Gradle is what is called a task.  To
> run a task you open a terminal and type "./gradlew nameOfMyTask".  There
> are two main ways to create a custom task in our build.gradle files.  One
> is writing task("doSomething") and the other is
> tasks.register("doSomethingElse").  According to [2], the recommendation is
> to use the tasks.register("doSomething").  This avoids executing other work
> (configuration but don't worry about it for now) until one runs the
> doSomething task or another task we are running depends on it.
> So why were we seeing this "Error: Backend initialization required"
> message all the time?  The reason is that tasks were configured as
> task("doSomething").  All I had to do was change this to
> tasks.register("doSomething") and it removed the message.
> *Definitions/References*
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.
> 4.
> *Suggested Learning Path To Understand This Email*
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.
> 4.
> Best,
> Damon

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