Great, I really like the new simplified flow! Thanks for that!

On 08.12.22, 19:48, "Kenneth Knowles" <> wrote:

Merged it. Please be on the lookout for bugs I have introduced, since they 
could result in issues slipping through the cracks. On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 3: 
31 PM Kenneth Knowles <kenn@ apache. org> wrote: OK I did my best in https: 
//github. com/apache/beam/pull/24585Yet

Merged it. Please be on the lookout for bugs I have introduced, since they 
could result in issues slipping through the cracks.

On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 3:31 PM Kenneth Knowles 
<<>> wrote:
OK I did my best in<;!!CiXD_PY!Siz_0ENa4zDO3jTcN-IP8o24q1DZ9lVhf26aoAoGMcwJ2T2JKxxdN_S_y-tzzKVzYul6Z6_FUg$>

Yet another thought I had: Do we really need multiple templates? Do people like 
the tags in the titles? After creation all these things are "just labels" so 
there's no particular reason we need to conceptualize issues as partitioned 
into these classes, unless it is helpful.


On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 12:28 PM Robert Burke 
<<>> wrote:
+1 to letting conjunctions form naturally.

In the bikeshedding discusion:

That would mean I'm biased to having the reduced label set to have reduced 
colours for the general category.

Eg. SDK colour, Runner colour, beam resources colour, and IO being it's own 
special unique colour, and awaiting triage being unique as well.

This would make triage checking a bit more glancible, since except for very 
particular issues that might warrant "several SDKs" or "several runners".
On Tue, Dec 6, 2022, 11:13 AM Danny McCormick via dev 
<<>> wrote:
I like that idea (and the list) as well.

On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 1:59 PM Kerry Donny-Clark 
<<>> wrote:
I really like the idea of multi-select and automatic "awaiting triage". Kenn, I 
think the list you have looks good to me.

On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 1:55 PM Kenneth Knowles 
<<>> wrote:
Noting that what you've listed are the options in the issue template, which are 
then expanded to multiple labels. So focusing on the issue template, I like the 
general idea, but maybe we can simplify it even more:

When a user is filing a bug, I think a good outcome is for it to get into the 
right person's saved search (like Go, Python, etc) while still having the 
"awaiting triage" label on it.

What if we just went all the way simple and had checkboxes for just the highest 
level. Something like the following:

Which language SDK or feature is related to your report? (check all that apply)
[ ] Python
[ ] Java
[ ] Go
[ ] Typescript
[ ] IO connector
[ ] Beam examples
[ ] Beam playground
[ ] Beam katas
[ ] Website
[ ] Spark Runner
[ ] Flink Runner
[ ] Samza Runner
[ ] Twister2 Runner
[ ] Hazelcast Jet Runner
[ ] Google Cloud Dataflow Runner

We could even trim it even further to just language, and let the person doing 
triage handle the rest.


On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 9:11 AM Danny McCormick via dev 
<<>> wrote:
> Is it possible to not have a default option?

Sadly, no AFAIK. I agree this would help. We could try things like making the 
default " " and auto-closing issues that don't pick something other than the 
default, that's a pretty rough experience though and not worth it IMO.

> I definitely think reducing the label zoo could help.

What's our desired end state here? I put together a doc with my suggested 
labels -<;!!CiXD_PY!Siz_0ENa4zDO3jTcN-IP8o24q1DZ9lVhf26aoAoGMcwJ2T2JKxxdN_S_y-tzzKVzYumtjGTF4A$>
 - listed below as well for convenience. Please comment in the doc if you have 
thoughts/labels you care about, or continue the email thread if you have bigger 
ideas (e.g. getting rid of labels, changing our templates entirely instead, 

Danny's Proposed Labels:

·         beam-community

·         beam-playground

·         community-metrics

·         cross-language

·         examples-java

·         examples-python

·         extensions

·         infrastructure

·         io-go

·         io-ideas

·         io-java

·         io-py

·         katas

·         release

·         run-inference

·         runner

·         runner-dataflow

·         runner-direct

·         runner-flink

·         runner-samza

·         runner-spark

·         runner-universal

·         sdk-go

·         sdk-ideas

·         sdk-java

·         sdk-py

·         sdk-typescript

·         test-failures

·         website

On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 11:17 AM Bjorn Pedersen 
<<>> wrote:
As someone still newer to Beam, I can attest that the number of labels can be 

Is it possible to not have a default option? Even just getting people to 
interact with the dropdown might go a long way, especially if the labels were 
fewer and clearer.


On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 6:46 PM Kenneth Knowles 
<<>> wrote:
I definitely think reducing the label zoo could help. We have a lot of labels 
that are decompositions of what used to be Jira components.


On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 12:17 PM Danny McCormick via dev 
<<>> wrote:
> Previously, we had automation that would automatically mark self-assigned 
> self-reported issues as triaged. That is probably a third of issues or more.

I believe that automation exists now[1], but it wasn't retroactively applied to 
old issues.

> One issue is that a lot of triage work is getting the labels right (a lot of 
> things end up in beam-model or beam-community)

Do you think it would help to cut down on our label options? beam-community 
might be popular because it's the default option, so reducing options might not 
help that much unfortunately.

[1] example -<;!!CiXD_PY!Siz_0ENa4zDO3jTcN-IP8o24q1DZ9lVhf26aoAoGMcwJ2T2JKxxdN_S_y-tzzKVzYulB8OMp6w$>

On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 2:57 PM Kenneth Knowles 
<<>> wrote:
Previously, we had automation that would automatically mark self-assigned 
self-reported issues as triaged. That is probably a third of issues or more. 
I'm not sure what else. I appreciate Valentyn keeping an eye on the Python 
label. One issue is that a lot of triage work is getting the labels right (a 
lot of things end up in beam-model or beam-community)


On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 6:23 AM Kerry Donny-Clark via dev 
<<>> wrote:
This is a glorious achievement Kenn! To keep things clean going forward are 
there any improvements we can make in our issue creation flow?
On Fri, Dec 2, 2022, 6:44 PM Kenneth Knowles 
<<>> wrote:
Hi all,

I've finally done it! I've emptied the label "awaiting triage". Help me keep it 
that way! This ensures that we actually at least *look* at each issue once, 
preferably soon after it is filed. The idea is that you make sure the priority 
and other labels are right, since users are not expected to know how we use 


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