I strongly believe that we should continue to have Beam optimize for the
user - and while having separate components would allow those of us who are
contributors and committers move faster, the downsides of not having
everything "in one box" for a new user where the components are all
relatively guaranteed to work together at that version level are very high.

Beam having everything included is absolutely a competitive advantage for
Beam and I would not want to lose that.

On Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 9:31 AM Byron Ellis via dev <dev@beam.apache.org>

> Talk it with a grain of salt since I'm not even a committer, but is
> perhaps the reorganization of Beam into smaller components the real work of
> a 3.0 effort? Splitting of Beam into smaller more independently managed
> components would be a pretty huge breaking change from a dependency
> management perspective which would potentially be largely separate from any
> code changes.
> Best,
> B
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 9:23 AM Alexey Romanenko <aromanenko....@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 12 Dec 2022, at 22:23, Robert Bradshaw via dev <dev@beam.apache.org>
>> wrote:
>> Saving up all the breaking changes until a major release definitely
>> has its downsides (look at Python 3). The migration path is often as
>> important (if not more so) than the final destination.
>> Actually, it proves that the major releases *should not* be delayed for
>> a long period of time and *should* be issued more often to reduce the
>> number of breaking changes (that, of course, likely may happen). That will
>> help users to do much more smooth and less risky upgrades, and developers
>> to not keep burden forever. Beam 2.0.0 was released back in may 2017 and
>> we've almost never talked about Beam 3.0 and what are the criteria for it.
>> I understand that it’s a completely different discussion but seems that
>> this time has come =)
>> As for this particular change, I would question how the benefit (it's
>> unclear what the exact benefit is--better internal organization?)
>> exceeds the pain of making every user refactor their code. I think a
>> stronger case can be made for things like the Avro dependency that
>> cause real pain.
>> Agree. I think that if it doesn’t bring any pain with additional external
>> dependecies and this code is used in almost every other SDK module, then
>> there are no reasons for such breaking changes. On the other hand, Avro
>> case, that you mentioned above, is a good example why sometimes it would be
>> better to keep such code outside of “core”.
>> As for the pipeline update feature, we've long discussed having
>> "pick-your-implementation" transforms that specify alternative,
>> equivalent implementations. Upgrades can choose the old one whereas
>> new pipelines can get the latest and greatest. It won't solve all
>> issues, and requires keeping old codepaths around, but could be an
>> important step forward.
>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2022 at 10:20 AM Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I agree with Mortiz. To answer a few specifics in my own words:
>> - It is a perfectly sensible refactor, but as a counterpoint without
>> file-based IO the SDK isn't functional so it is also a reasonable design
>> point to have this included. There are other things in the core SDK that
>> are far less "core" and could be moved out with greater benefit. The main
>> goal for any separation of modules would be lighter weight transitive
>> dependencies, IMO.
>> - No, Beam has not made any deliberate breaking changes of this nature.
>> Hence we are still on major version 2. We have made some bugfixes for data
>> loss risks that could be called "breaking changes" but since the feature
>> was unsafe to use in the first place we did not bump the major version.
>> - It is sometimes possible to do such a refactor and have the deprecated
>> location proxy to the new location. In this case that seems hard to achieve.
>> - It is not actually necessary to maintain both locations, as we can
>> declare the old location will be unmaintained (but left alone) and all new
>> development goes to the new location. That isn't a great choice for users
>> who may simply upgrade their SDK version and not notice that their old code
>> is now pointing at a version that will not receive e.g. security updates.
>> - I like the style where if/when we transition from Beam 2 to Beam 3 we
>> should have the exact functionality of Beam 3 available as an opt-in flag
>> first. So if a user passes --beam-3 they get exactly what will be the
>> default functionality when we bump the major version. It really is a
>> problem to do a whole bunch of stuff feverishly before a major version
>> bump. The other style that I think works well is the linux kernel style
>> where major versions alternate between stable and unstable (in other words,
>> returning to the 0.x style with every alternating version).
>> - I do think Beam suffers from fear and inability to do significant code
>> gardening. I don't think backwards compatibility in the code sense is the
>> biggest blocker. I think the "pipeline update" feature is perhaps the thing
>> most holding Beam back from making radical rapid forward progress.
>> Kenn
>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2022 at 2:25 AM Moritz Mack <mm...@talend.com> wrote:
>> Hi Damon,
>> I fear the current release / versioning strategy of Beam doesn’t lend
>> itself well for such breaking changes. Alexey and I have spent quite some
>> time discussing how to proceed with the problematic Avro dependency in core
>> (and respectively AvroIO, of course).
>> Such changes essentially always require duplicating code to continue
>> supporting a deprecated legacy code path to not break users’ code. But this
>> comes at a very high price. Until the deprecated code path can be finally
>> removed again, it must be maintained in two places.
>> Unfortunately, the removal of deprecated code is rather problematic
>> without a major version release as it would break semantic versioning and
>> people’s expectations. With that deprecations bear the inherent risk to
>> unintentionally deplete quality rather than improving it.
>> I’d therefore recommend against such efforts unless there’s very strong
>> reasons to do so.
>> Best, Moritz
>> On 07.12.22, 18:05, "Damon Douglas via dev" <dev@beam.apache.org> wrote:
>> Hello Everyone, If you identify yourself on the Beam learning journey,
>> even if this is your first day, please see yourself as a welcome
>> participant in this conversation and consider reviewing the bottom portion
>> of this email for guidance. The
>> Hello Everyone,
>> If you identify yourself on the Beam learning journey, even if this is
>> your first day, please see yourself as a welcome participant in this
>> conversation and consider reviewing the bottom portion of this email for
>> guidance.
>> The Short Version (For those with Java Beam SDK knowledge):
>> Should we migrate FileIO / TextIO and related classes from
>> :sdks:java:core to :sdks:java:io:file?  If so, should we target such a
>> migration to a future Beam version with repeated announcements?  Does the
>> Beam repository have any example of a similar change in the past?  What
>> learnings from said past change could be potentially applied to this one?
>> The Long Version (For those on the learning path):
>> This email is more about our repository organization rather than Beam.
>> The proposal is to move two highly used classes (and anything related) in
>> our Java SDK called FileIO [1] and TextIO [2].  The Beam GitHub repository
>> uses a software called gradle [3], to automate routine code tasks such as
>> build and test.  Gradle projects, such as Beam, organize code in what are
>> called modules [4].  The three main ingredients that make a module are 1) a
>> unique directory path, 2) a file called build.gradle (or build.gradle.kts)
>> in this directory, 3) referencing the gradle module in a settings.gradle
>> (or settings.gradle.kts) file at the root of the repository.
>> The gradle documentation discusses why such organization might matter and
>> how to achieve this with large projects [5].  Essentially, modules allow us
>> to have mini-projects inside our large project and focus related
>> automations to this one focused portion of our larger repository.  In Beam,
>> we have the module :sdks:java:core [6] with all things related to the core
>> of Beam, whereas we have separate modules related to reading from and
>> writing to various resources within :sdks:java:io [7].
>> The proposal suggests moving the aforementioned file reading and writing
>> classes, FileIO and TextIO, and anything related, to its own
>> :sdks:java:io:file module.  This would correspond to a new
>> sdks/java/io/file directory and moving these classes into
>> sdks/java/io/file/main/java/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/file.
>> Definitions / References:
>> 1. FileIO - a General-purpose transforms for working with files: listing
>> files (matching), reading and writing.  See -
>> https://beam.apache.org/releases/javadoc/current/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/FileIO.html
>> 2. TextIO - Similar to FileIO but focused on text files.  See
>> https://beam.apache.org/releases/javadoc/current/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/TextIO.html
>> 3. Gradle - a build automation tool used by the Apache Beam repository to
>> automate code-related tasks.  See
>> https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/what_is_gradle.html
>> 4. Gradle Module - a subsection of your larger repository.  See
>> https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/dependency_management_terminology.html#sub:terminology_module
>> 5. Structuring Large Projects with Gradle -
>> https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/structuring_software_products.html
>> 6. sdks:java:core - Corresponds to the sdks/java/core repository
>> directory. See https://github.com/apache/beam/tree/master/sdks/java/core
>> 7. sdks:java:io - Corresponds to the sdks/java/io repository directory.
>> See https://github.com/apache/beam/tree/master/sdks/java/io
>> Best,
>> Damon
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