The runners should be able to support Multimap User State portably over the
FnApi already.

How that's supported on each SDK is a different matter though.

On Fri, Feb 24, 2023, 12:57 PM Alan Zhang <> wrote:

> Appreciate it if anyone can help confirm and share thoughts.
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 11:46 PM Alan Zhang <> wrote:
>> Hi Beam devs.
>> According to the Fn State API design doc[1], the state type
>> MultimapUserState is intended for supporting MapState/SetState. And the
>> implementation[2] for this state type is ready on the SDK harness side.
>> Each runner will be responsible for integrating it if they want to leverage
>> it.
>> Today Beam uses StateRequestHandlers to define handler interfaces for
>> other state types, e.g. MultimapSideInputHandler for
>> MultimapSideInput, BagUserStateHandler for BagUserState, etc.[3] This is
>> great since each runner can implement these handler interfaces then the Fn
>> state API integration is done.
>> In order to support MapState/SetState, I think we will need to provide
>> a MultimapUserStateHandler interface in StateRequestHandlers and allow the
>> runners to implement it.
>> What do you think?
>> Feel free to correct me if there is any incorrect understanding since I'm
>> new to the Beam world.
>> Btw, I saw Flink Python used MultimapSideInput to support MapState[4] but
>> I think this is not recommended since MultimapUserState is available today.
>> But please correct me if I'm wrong.
>> [1]
>> <>
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Alan
> --
> Thanks,
> Alan

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