I'm +1 on just adding committers to a list manually. Having the ability to
run seed jobs from a PR is nice, but adding a new committer is a rare
enough event that automating is not worth the time IMO (as opposed to
documenting this as something to do when you're a new committer). Plus this
problem goes away entirely if we move to GitHub Actions :)

One thing I'll note: there is an automation route that involves querying
the teams from the Apache GitHub org, this would require us to upload a
custom PAT though which incurs secret rotation and is more work than its
worth IMO.

If we decide to do this, I have https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/26672


On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 11:20 AM Yi Hu via dev <dev@beam.apache.org> wrote:

> Dear Beam Developers,
> tl;dr For PRs involving Jenkins task changes authored by Beam committers,
> "Run seed job" no longer working due to apache infra change.
> It is noted that due to recent Apache Infra change on LDAP server, Beam
> Jenkins CI/CD no longer has access to the GitHub username list, and
> consequently several Jenkins tasks that used to have triggers enabled by
> committers can no longer triggered by commenting phrase against PR (e.g.
> "Run seed job")
> A full list of affected jobs are
>    - seed_00_job
>    - seed_job_standalone
>    - beam_Publish_Docker_Snapshots
>    - beam_Dependency_Check
>    - beam_Metrics_Report
> Other than the seed job are release related workflows and should not
> affect development on code base.
> I have created a PR to temporarily remove the step of fetching GitHub
> usernames [2] to get the seed job back green. After that, I would like to
> ask the community if it is fine to either
>    - Leave these jobs have no comment trigger (they can still be manually
>    triggered via steps described in [2], besides the scheduled jobs)
>    - Maintain a list of committer GitHub usernames manually in
> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/.test-infra/jenkins/Committers.groovy
> Please feel free to share if you have a better idea for fixing this.
> See more context on
> [1] https://github.com/apache/beam/issues/26602
> [2] https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/26652
> Regards,
> Yi
> --
> Yi Hu, (he/him/his)
> Software Engineer

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