[image: Beam Summit Virtual] <https://beamsummit.org/>

Hello there, data enthusiasts!

We have some fantastic news to share: the *Virtual Beam Summit* is
happening from July 18 to 20th, 2023, and registration is now OPEN! Whether
you couldn't make it to the in-person event or missed out on some
mind-blowing sessions, this is the moment to learn all the latest trends in
data! <https://us.airmeet.com/e/138ddb30-1125-11ee-9414-e3f48addae7e>

Register Now <https://us.airmeet.com/e/138ddb30-1125-11ee-9414-e3f48addae7e>

The online experience will let you *watch ALL the sessions* from Beam
Summit in-person edition and will allow you to connect with speakers and
fellow participants from every corner of the globe.

With our live interaction feature, you can be part of the action, ask
burning questions, and share your own thoughts with our global community.

*Take a quick peek at our speaker line-up:*

Here are some of our sessions:


   *Cross-language JdbcIO enabled by Beam portable schemas*
   Yi Hu shares the experience of the development and use cases enabled by
   the significant improvement in both features and performance in Beam
   v2.42.0, Beam Python SDK's JdbcIO, and the underlying Beam portable schema.

   *Use Apache Beam to build Machine Learning Feature System at Affirm*
   Hao Xu explores how Affirm uses Apache Beam to build a unified
   transformation engine within a machine-learning feature store,
   demonstrating how to leverage Apache Beam to enable machine learning in
   various business cases, such as fraud detection, underwriting, and growth

   *Meeting Security Requirements for Apache Beam Pipelines on Google Cloud*
   Lorenzo Caggioni identifies a reference architecture to accomplish
   requirements such as role separation and least privileges, private
   resources, and encryption of customer data on a Google Cloud Platform

   *Oops I *actually* wrote a Portable Beam Runner in Go*
   Robert Burke, through a demo, code walkthrough, and testing advice,
   covers what the new runner can do and why you might find it useful.

   *Simplifying Speech-to-Text Processing with Apache Beam and Redis*
   Pramod Rao and Prateek Sheel will present their design journey to solve
   a complex speech-to-text processing problem in Apache Beam by leveraging
   Redis, a simple and efficient external persistent state

   *Introduction to Clustering in Apache Beam*
   Jasper Van den Bossche dives into all the steps involved in one of the
   big challenges when working with per entity: training. These steps may
   include: Data ingestion from different sources, processing data in various
   formats and varying quality, inference of the different models or post
   processing the results so they can be presented to the end user in a
   waythat is easy to understand.

   *Developing (experimental) Rust SDKs and a Beam engine for IoT devices*
   Sho Nakatani proposes the making of SpringQL as a Beam engine and
   discusses the work done to change SpringQL's API from incomplete streaming
   SQL to the Beam Model

Check out the Program <https://beamsummit.org/program/>
Register Now <https://us.airmeet.com/e/138ddb30-1125-11ee-9414-e3f48addae7e>
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