I've thought about this a ton, but haven't been in a position to undertake
the work.  Thanks for bringing this up, @Anand Inguva
<ananding...@google.com> !

I'd point us to https://python-poetry.org/  ... [ which is where I'd look
take us, but I'm also not able to do all the work, so my
suggestion/preference doensn't matter that much ]

https://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject#the-pyprojecttoml-file <- for info
on pyproject.toml file.

Notice the use of a 'lock' file is very valuable, ex:

I haven't come across `build`, that might be great too.  I'd highlight that
Poetry is pretty common across industry these days, rock-solid, ecosystem
of interoperability, users, etc...   If not familiar, PLEASE have a look at

On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 8:04 AM Kerry Donny-Clark via dev <
dev@beam.apache.org> wrote:

> +1
> Hi Anand,
> I appreciate this effort. Managing python dependencies has been a major
> pain point for me, and I think this approach would help.
> Kerry
> On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 10:14 AM Anand Inguva via dev <dev@beam.apache.org>
> wrote:
>> Hello Beam Dev Team,
>> I've compiled a design document
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/17-y48WW25-VGBWZNyTdoN0WUN03k9ZhJjLp9wtyG1Wc/edit#heading=h.wskna8eurvjv>[1]
>> proposing the integration of pyproject.toml into Apache Beam's Python build
>> process. Your insights and feedback would be invaluable.
>> What is pyproject.toml?
>> pyproject.toml is a configuration file that specifies a project's build
>> dependencies and other project-related metadata in a standardized
>> format. Before pyproject.toml, Python projects often had multiple
>> configuration files (like setup.py, setup.cfg, and requirements.txt).
>> pyproject.toml aims to centralize these configurations into one place,
>> making project setups more organized and straightforward. One of the
>> significant features enabled by pyproject.toml is the ability to perform
>> isolated builds. This ensures that build dependencies are separated from
>> the project's runtime dependencies, leading to more consistent and
>> reproducible builds.
>> [1]
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/17-y48WW25-VGBWZNyTdoN0WUN03k9ZhJjLp9wtyG1Wc/edit#heading=h.wskna8eurvjv
>> Thanks,
>> Anand

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