I agree with Cham on these two options. 

In the end, it would be great to have such functionality (error handling / DLQ) 
integrated into Beam core API, but it will require, for sure, some technical 
discussions and reviews before - so it will take more time. 

Though, to make it available for users soon as a part of Beam distribution, 
adding this as an extension looks very feasible for me.   


> On 12 Sep 2023, at 19:44, Chamikara Jayalath via dev <dev@beam.apache.org> 
> wrote:
> Thanks Mazlum, this sounds great. I think there are two ways we can proceed 
> if we decide to integrate the Asgarde library into Beam.
> (1) Directly import the code into Beam without significant modifications 
> and/or a review (though we may add tests).
> (2) Go through a design/code review to determine whether this is the best 
> approach for implementing error handling / DLQ in Beam transforms or whether 
> there are other alternatives/modifications to Asgarde we want to consider.
> If we do (1) I prefer adding Asgarde as a separate Gradle module in Beam. We 
> can later integrate it into the core module after a design/code review.
> Thank,
> Cham
> On Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 10:26 AM Mazlum TOSUN <mazlum.to...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:mazlum.to...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hello Austin and everyone,
>> I am open for discussion.
>> My first intention with Asgarde was to help the Beam community, because Dead 
>> Letter Queue is so important in Beam and all the data pipeline frameworks.
>> When I worked with Beam on production with my customers, we needed to catch 
>> errors with side outputs and dead letter queue.
>> This library really helped us to keep a less verbose code while applying all 
>> the error handling logic, that is error prone and verbose if it is repeated.
>> As Kennet said, my intention was to stay as close as possible to Beam, with 
>> a Wrapper and a Failure Monad on top of a PCollection, to handle all the 
>> code and complexity for try catch blocks and side output.
>> For the governance, even if I am the creator of this library, the most 
>> important isn't me but the community and to help the community.
>> If the best solution to help the community is including the library directly 
>> on Beam, we can go in this direction, with of course your reviews and 
>> recommendations.
>> Then the library will belong to the community and we will continue to 
>> improve it.
>> For the decision about the best place, I will comply with the majority.
>> Best regards,
>> Mazlum
>> On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 11:15 PM Austin Bennett <aus...@apache.org 
>> <mailto:aus...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>> @Mazlum TOSUN <mailto:mazlum.to...@gmail.com> --  you and I have spoken a 
>>> few times about this.  it'd be good for you to comment here on list, on any 
>>> of your concerns with governance, and/or other thoughts.  Ex: if you think 
>>> contributing asgarde directly is the thing [ or perhaps expressing any 
>>> interest helping write/contribute the relevant functionality into beam ... 
>>> it is possible that by adding the actual functionality into beam - like 
>>> Kenn's mentioned 'other place' we could make asgarde as an separate add-on 
>>> obsolete ].  
>>> On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 8:55 AM Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org 
>>> <mailto:k...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>>> For anyone who hasn't clicked over the Asgarde, my TL;DR description of it 
>>>> is that it adds the "failure monad" aka "andThen" style error/result 
>>>> handling on top of chaining of PCollections. So it is at a similar level 
>>>> of abstraction of our basic transforms and generally useful for chaining 
>>>> dead-letter side outputs. It is no more or less appropriate for the core 
>>>> SDK than, say, the Project/Filter/Join transforms, or Watch, etc. If we 
>>>> actually aspired to have a thin core with the accessories like that in 
>>>> another place, then it should go to that other place.
>>>> Kenn
>>>> On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 11:24 AM Daniel Collins via dev 
>>>> <dev@beam.apache.org <mailto:dev@beam.apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>> > until we *require* Asgard on a core transform, it shouldn't be in the 
>>>>> > main repo
>>>>> I don't think this is necessarily true if it solves end user use cases. 
>>>>> If there is a specific transform that solves a specific use case, we 
>>>>> could include it in the transforms folder for end-users, even if it isn't 
>>>>> utilized in the I/Os at present. Hence the suggestion to take the most 
>>>>> promising transforms and propose adding them with documentation, apis and 
>>>>> rationale.
>>>>> -Daniel
>>>>> On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 11:20 AM Robert Burke <rob...@frantil.com 
>>>>> <mailto:rob...@frantil.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> I would say until we *require* Asgard on a core transform, it shouldn't 
>>>>>> be in the main repo. 
>>>>>> Incorporating something before there's a need for it is premature 
>>>>>> abstraction. We can't do things because they *might* be useful. Let's 
>>>>>> see concrete places where they are useful, or we're already having a 
>>>>>> similar need solved a different way.
>>>>>> Beam is complicated by itself, and we do encourage multiple ways of 
>>>>>> solving problems, but that says to me that having an out of repo 
>>>>>> ecosystem is the right path, rather than incorporation.
>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 8, 2023, 8:14 AM Daniel Collins via dev <dev@beam.apache.org 
>>>>>> <mailto:dev@beam.apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I think there are a lot of interesting and relatively isolated 
>>>>>>> components of the project, it might make sense to write per-transform 
>>>>>>> one pagers for isolated things like the most useful pieces (just 
>>>>>>> basically copying the documentation and justifying the API) instead of 
>>>>>>> doing a one-shot import or having it live forever in an external 
>>>>>>> project.
>>>>>>> -Daniel
>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 11:10 AM Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org 
>>>>>>> <mailto:k...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I agree with everyone about "not everything has to be in the Beam 
>>>>>>>> repo". I really like the idea of having a clearer "ecosystem" section 
>>>>>>>> of the website, which is sort of started at 
>>>>>>>> https://beam.apache.org/community/integrations/ but that is not very 
>>>>>>>> prominent.
>>>>>>>> Agree with John though. The transforms in Asgarde could potentially be 
>>>>>>>> used in Beam. Potentially best accomplished by just adding them as 
>>>>>>>> transforms to the core Java SDK?
>>>>>>>> Kenn
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 6, 2023 at 1:46 PM John Casey via dev <dev@beam.apache.org 
>>>>>>>> <mailto:dev@beam.apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Agreed on documentation and on keeping it in a separate repo. 
>>>>>>>>> We have a few pretty significant beam extensions (scio and Dataflow 
>>>>>>>>> Templates also come to mind) that Beam should highlight, but are 
>>>>>>>>> separate repos for their own governance, contributions, and release 
>>>>>>>>> reasons.
>>>>>>>>> The difference with Asgarde is that we might want to use it in Beam 
>>>>>>>>> itself, which makes it more reasonable to include in the main repo.
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 8:36 PM Robert Bradshaw via dev 
>>>>>>>>> <dev@beam.apache.org <mailto:dev@beam.apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I think this is a great library. I'm on the fence of whether it 
>>>>>>>>>> makes sense to include with Beam proper vs. be a library that builds 
>>>>>>>>>> on top of Beam. (Would there be benefits of tighter integration? 
>>>>>>>>>> There is the maintenance/loss of governance issue.) I am definitely 
>>>>>>>>>> not on the side that the entire Beam ecosystem needs to be 
>>>>>>>>>> distributed/maintained by Beam itself. 
>>>>>>>>>> Regardless of the direction we go, I think it could make a lot of 
>>>>>>>>>> sense to put pointers to it in our documentation. 
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 7:21 AM Danny McCormick via dev 
>>>>>>>>>> <dev@beam.apache.org <mailto:dev@beam.apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I think my only concerns here are around the toil we'll be taking 
>>>>>>>>>>> on, and will we be leaving the asgarde project in a better or worse 
>>>>>>>>>>> place.
>>>>>>>>>>> From a release standpoint, we would need to release it with the 
>>>>>>>>>>> same cadence as Beam. Adding asgarde into our standard release 
>>>>>>>>>>> process seems fairly straightforward, though, so I'm not too 
>>>>>>>>>>> worried about it - looks like it's basically (1) add a commit like 
>>>>>>>>>>> this 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/tosun-si/asgarde/commit/432de527d67dc71f06507328319b466b6d0fb56a>,
>>>>>>>>>>>  (2) run this workflow 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/tosun-si/asgarde/blob/main/.github/workflows/publish-project.yml>,
>>>>>>>>>>>  and (3) tag/mark the release as released on GitHub.
>>>>>>>>>>> In terms of bug fixes and improvements, though, I'm a little 
>>>>>>>>>>> worried that we might be leaving things in a worse state since 
>>>>>>>>>>> Mazlum has been the only contributor thus far, and he would lose 
>>>>>>>>>>> some governance (and possibly the ability to commit code on his 
>>>>>>>>>>> own). An extra motivated community member or two could change the 
>>>>>>>>>>> math a bit, but I'm not sure if there are actually clear advantages 
>>>>>>>>>>> to including it in Apache other than visibility. Would adding links 
>>>>>>>>>>> to our docs calling Asgarde out as an option accomplish the same 
>>>>>>>>>>> purpose?
>>>>>>>>>>> > Let's be careful about whether these tests are included in our 
>>>>>>>>>>> > presubmits. Contrib code with flaky tests has been a major pain 
>>>>>>>>>>> > point in the past.
>>>>>>>>>>> +1 - I think if we do this I'd vote that it be in a separate repo 
>>>>>>>>>>> (github.com/apache/beam-asgarde 
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://github.com/apache/beam-asgarde> made sense to me).
>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Overall, I'm probably a slight -1 to adding this to the Apache 
>>>>>>>>>>> workspace, but +1 to at least adding links from the Beam docs to 
>>>>>>>>>>> Asgarde.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Danny
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 12:03 AM Reuven Lax via dev 
>>>>>>>>>>> <dev@beam.apache.org <mailto:dev@beam.apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Let's be careful about whether these tests are included in our 
>>>>>>>>>>>> presubmits. Contrib code with flaky tests has been a major pain 
>>>>>>>>>>>> point in the past.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Sep 2, 2023 at 12:02 PM Austin Bennett <aus...@apache.org 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:aus...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wanting us to not miss this. @Mazlum TOSUN 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:mazlum.to...@gmail.com> is happy to donate Asgarde to our 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> project.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It looks like he'd need a SGA and CCLA [ 1 ] on file; anything 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> else?  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I recalled the donation of Euphoria [ 2 ] , so I looked at those 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> threads [ 3 ]  for insights into the process.  It didn't look 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> like there was a needed VOTE, so mostly a matter of ensuring 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary signatures, and ideally some sort of consensus [ or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> non-opposition ] to the donation.  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 1 ] https://www.apache.org/licenses/contributor-agreements.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 2 ] https://beam.apache.org/documentation/sdks/java/euphoria/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 3 ] 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread/xzlx4rm2tvc36mmwvhyvtdvsw7bnjscp
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 7:05 AM Kerry Donny-Clark via dev 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <dev@beam.apache.org <mailto:dev@beam.apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This looks like an excellent contribution. I can easily 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand the motivation, and I think Beam would benefit from a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> higher level abstraction for error handling.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kerry 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 14, 2023, 6:31 PM Austin Bennett <aus...@apache.org 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:aus...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Beam Devs,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @Mazlum <https://www.linkedin.com/in/mazlum-tosun-900b1812/> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was suggested to consider donating Asgarde 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/tosun-si/asgarde> to Beam for Java/Kotlin 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error handling to Beam [ see:  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://2022.beamsummit.org/sessions/error-handling-asgarde/ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for last year's Beam Summit talk ], he is also the author of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pasgard <https://github.com/tosun-si/pasgarde>e [ for Python ] 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Milgard [ for a simplified Kotlin API ].  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Would Asgarde be a good contribution, something the Beam 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> community would be willing to accept?  I imagine we might want 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it to live at github.com/apache/beam-asgarde 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://github.com/apache/beam-asgarde> ?  Or perhaps there is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a good place in github.com/apache/beam 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://github.com/apache/beam> ??  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Especially once/if officially part of Beam, I imagine we'd add 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> follow-up items like getting onto the website/docs, and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> related.  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Austin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P.S.  This might warrant separate/additional conversations for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his other libraries, but let's focus any discussion on Asgarde 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for now?  

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