On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 7:26 AM Danny McCormick via dev <dev@beam.apache.org>

> So to summarize, I think there's broad consensus (or at least lazy
> consensus) around the following:
> - (1) Updating our release email/guidelines to be more specific about what
> we mean by release validation/how to be helpful during this process. This
> includes both encouraging validation within each user's own code base and
> encouraging people to document/share their process of validation and link
> it in the release spreadsheet.
> - (2) Doing something like what Airflow does (#29424
> <https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/29424>) and creating an issue
> asking people who have contributed to the current release to help validate
> their changes.
> I'm also +1 on doing both of these. The first bit (updating our
> guidelines) is relatively easy - it should just require updating
> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/contributor-docs/release-guide.md#vote-and-validate-the-release-candidate
> .
> I took a look at the second piece (copying what Airflow does) to see if we
> could just copy their automation, but it looks like it's tied to airflow
> breeze
> <https://github.com/apache/airflow/blob/main/dev/breeze/src/airflow_breeze/provider_issue_TEMPLATE.md.jinja2>
> (their repo-specific automation tooling), so we'd probably need to build
> the automation ourselves. It shouldn't be terrible, basically we'd want a
> GitHub Action that compares the current release tag with the last release
> tag, grabs all the commits in between, parses them to get the author, and
> creates an issue with that data, but it does represent more effort than
> just updating a markdown file. There might even be an existing Action that
> can help with this, I haven't looked too hard.

I was thinking along the lines of a script that would scrape the issues
resolved in a given release and add a comment to them noting that the
change is in release N and encouraging (with clear instructions) how this
can be validated. Creating a "validate this release" issue with all
"contributing" participants could be an interesting way to do this as well.
(I think it'd be valuable to get those who filed the issue, not just those
who fixed it, to validate.)

> As our next release manager, I'm happy to review PRs for either of these
> if anyone wants to volunteer to help out. If not, I'm happy to update the
> guidelines, but I probably won't have time to add the commit inspection
> tooling (I'm planning on throwing any extra time towards continuing to
> automate release candidate creation which is currently a more impactful
> problem IMO). I would very much like it if both of these things happened
> though :)
> Thanks,
> Danny
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 10:05 AM XQ Hu <x...@google.com> wrote:
>> +1. This is a great idea to try. @Danny McCormick
>> <dannymccorm...@google.com> FYI as our next release manager.
>> On Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 2:30 PM Johanna Öjeling via dev <
>> dev@beam.apache.org> wrote:
>>> When I have contributed to Apache Airflow, they have tagged all
>>> contributors concerned in a GitHub issue when the RC is available and asked
>>> us to validate it. Example: #29424
>>> <https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/29424>.
>>> I found that to be an effective way to notify contributors of the RC and
>>> nudge them to help out. In the issue description there is a reference to
>>> the guidelines on how to test the RC and a note that people are encouraged
>>> to vote on the mailing list (which could admittedly be more highlighted
>>> because I did not pay attention to it until now and was unaware that
>>> contributors had a vote).
>>> It might be an idea to consider something similar here to increase the
>>> participation?
>>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 7:01 PM Jack McCluskey via dev <
>>> dev@beam.apache.org> wrote:
>>>> I'm +1 on helping explain what we mean by "validate the RC" since we're
>>>> really just asking users to see if their existing use cases work along with
>>>> our typical slate of tests. I don't know if offloading that work to our
>>>> active validators is the right approach though, documentation/screen share
>>>> of their specific workflow is definitely less useful than having a more
>>>> general outline of how to install the RC and things to look out for when
>>>> testing.
>>>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 12:55 PM Austin Bennett <aus...@apache.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Great effort.  I'm also interested in streamlining releases -- so if
>>>>> there are alot of manual tests that could be automated, would be great
>>>>> to discover and then look to address.
>>>>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 8:47 AM Robert Bradshaw via dev <
>>>>> dev@beam.apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>> +1
>>>>>> I would also strongly suggest that people try out the release against
>>>>>> their own codebases. This has the benefit of ensuring the release won't
>>>>>> break your own code when they go out, and stress-tests the new code 
>>>>>> against
>>>>>> real-world pipelines. (Ideally our own tests are all passing, and this
>>>>>> validation is automated as much as possible (though ensuring it matches 
>>>>>> our
>>>>>> documentation and works in a clean environment still has value), but
>>>>>> there's a lot of code and uses out there that we don't have access to
>>>>>> during normal Beam development.)
>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 8:21 AM Svetak Sundhar via dev <
>>>>>> dev@beam.apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I’ve participated in RC testing for a few releases and have observed
>>>>>>> a bit of a knowledge gap in how releases can be tested. Given that Beam
>>>>>>> encourages contributors to vote on RC’s regardless of tenure, and that
>>>>>>> voting on an RC is a relatively low-effort, high leverage way to 
>>>>>>> influence
>>>>>>> the release of the library, I propose the following:
>>>>>>> During the vote for the next release, voters can document the
>>>>>>> process they followed on a separate document, and add the link on 
>>>>>>> column G
>>>>>>> here
>>>>>>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=437054928>.
>>>>>>> One step further, could be a screencast of running the test, and 
>>>>>>> attaching
>>>>>>> a link of that.
>>>>>>> We can keep repeating this through releases until we have
>>>>>>> documentation for many of the different tests. We can then add these 
>>>>>>> docs
>>>>>>> into the repo.
>>>>>>> I’m proposing this because I’ve gathered the following feedback from
>>>>>>> colleagues that are tangentially involved with Beam: They are 
>>>>>>> interested in
>>>>>>> participating in release validation, but don’t know how to get started.
>>>>>>> Happy to hear other suggestions too, if there are any to address the
>>>>>>> above.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Svetak Sundhar
>>>>>>>   Data Engineer
>>>>>>> s <nellywil...@google.com>vetaksund...@google.com

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