Yes, but that's inevitable as stateful ParDo in a sense live outside of
most of the window/trigger semantics. Basically a stateful ParDo is the
user executing low-level control over these semantics, and controlling
output frequency themselves with timers. One could however still propagate
the trigger upstream of the stateful ParDo, though I'm not sure if that's
the best approach.

On Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 11:31 PM Jan Lukavský <> wrote:

> On 4/11/24 18:20, Reuven Lax via dev wrote:
> I'm not sure it would require all that. A "basic" implementation could be
> done on top of our existing model. Essentially the user would specify
> triggers at the sink ParDos, then the runner would walk backwards up the
> graph, reverse-propagating these triggers (with some resolution rules aimed
> at keeping the minimum trigger latency). The runner could under the covers
> simply just apply the appropriate trigger into the Window, using the
> current mechanism. Of course building this all into the framework from
> scratch would be cleaner, but we could also build this on top of what we
> have.
> Any propagation from sink to source would be blocked by any stateful
> ParDo, because that does not adhere to the concept of trigger, no? Hence,
> we could get the required downstream 'cadence' of outputs, but these would
> change only when the upstream ParDo emits any data. Yes, one can argue that
> stateful ParDo is supposed to emit data at fast as possible, then this
> seems to work.
> On Thu, Apr 11, 2024 at 5:10 AM Jan Lukavský <> wrote:
>> I've probably heard about it, but I never read the proposal. Sounds
>> great, but that would require to change our ParDos from the 'directive'
>> style to something more functional, so that processing of elements, state
>> updates and outputting results can be decoupled and managed by the runner
>> independently. This goes exactly in the direction of unifying GBK and
>> Combine with stateful ParDo. Sounds like something worth exploring for Beam
>> 3. :)
>> Anyway, thanks for this discussion, helped me clarify some more white
>> spots.
>>  Jan
>> On 4/10/24 19:24, Reuven Lax via dev wrote:
>> Are you familiar with the "sink triggers" proposal?
>> Essentially while windowing is usually a property of the data, and
>> therefore flows downwards through the graph, triggering is usually a
>> property of output (i.e. sink) latency - how much are you willing to wait
>> to see data, and what semantics do you want for this early data. Ideally
>> triggers should be specified separately at the ParDo level (Beam has no
>> real notion of Sinks as a special object, so to allow for output
>> specification it has to be on the ParDo), and the triggers should propagate
>> up the graph back to the source. This is in contrast to today where we
>> attach triggering to the windowing information.
>> This was a proposal some years back and there was some effort made to
>> implement it, but the implementation never really got off the ground.
>> On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 12:43 AM Jan Lukavský <> wrote:
>>> On 4/9/24 18:33, Kenneth Knowles wrote:
>>> At a top level `setWindowingStrategyInternal` exists to set up the
>>> metadata without actually assigning windows. If we were more clever we
>>> might have found a way for it to not be public... it is something that can
>>> easily lead to an invalid pipeline.
>>> Yes, that was what hit me about one minute after I started this thread.
>>> :)
>>> I think "compatible windows" today in Beam doesn't have very good uses
>>> anyhow. I do see how when you are flattening PCollections you might also
>>> want to explicitly have a function that says "and here is how to reconcile
>>> their different metadata". But is it not reasonable to use
>>> Window.into(global window)? It doesn't seem like boilerplate to me
>>> actually, but something you really want to know is happening.
>>> :)
>>> Of course this was the way out, but I was somewhat intuitively seeking
>>> something that could go this autonomously.
>>> Generally speaking, we might have some room for improvement in the way
>>> we handle windows and triggers - windows relate only to GBK and stateful
>>> ParDo, triggers relate to GBK only. They have no semantics if downstream
>>> processing does not use any of these. There could be a pipeline
>>> preprocessing stage that would discard (replace with meaningful defaults)
>>> any of these metadata that is unused, but can cause Pipeline to fail at
>>> construction time. It is also (to me) somewhat questionable if triggers are
>>> really a property of a PCollection or a property of a specific transform
>>> (GBK - ehm, actually (stateless) 'key by' + 'reduce by key', but that is
>>> completely different story :)) because (non-default) triggers are likely
>>> not preserved across multiple transforms. Maybe the correct subject of this
>>> thread could be "are we sure our windowing and triggering semantics is 100%
>>> correct"? Probably the - wrong - expectations at the beginning of this
>>> thread were due to conflict in my mental model of how things 'could' work
>>> as opposed to how they actually work. :)
>>>  Jan
>>> Kenn
>>> On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 9:19 AM Jan Lukavský <> wrote:
>>>> On 4/6/24 21:23, Reuven Lax via dev wrote:
>>>> So the problem here is that windowFn is a property of the PCollection,
>>>> not the element, and the result of Flatten is a single PCollection.
>>>> Yes. That is the cause of why Flatten.pCollections() needs the same
>>>> windowFn.
>>>> In various cases, there is a notion of "compatible" windows. Basically
>>>> given window functions W1 and W2, provide a W3 that "works" with both.
>>>> Exactly this would be a nice feature for Flatten, something like
>>>> 'windowFn resolve strategy', so that if use does not know the windowFn of
>>>> upstream PCollections this can be somehow resolved at pipeline construction
>>>> time. Alternatively only as a small syntactic sugar, something like:
>>>> Flatten.pCollections().withWindowingStrategy(WindowResolution.into(oneInput.getWindowingStrategy()))
>>>> or anything similar. This can be done in user code, so it is not
>>>> something deeper, but might help in some cases. It would be cool if we
>>>> could reuse concepts from other cases where such mechanism is needed.
>>>> Note that Beam already has something similar with side inputs, since
>>>> the side input often is in a different window than the main input. However
>>>> main input elements are supposed to see side input elements in the same
>>>> window (and in fact main inputs are blocked until the side-input window is
>>>> ready), so we must do a mapping. If for example (and very commonly!) the
>>>> side input is in the global window and the main input is in a fixed window,
>>>> by default we will remap the global-window elements into the main-input's
>>>> fixed window.
>>>> This is a one-sided merge function, there is a 'main' and 'side' input,
>>>> but the generic symmetric merge might be possible as well. E.g. if one
>>>> PCollection of Flatten is in GlobalWindow, I wonder if there are cases
>>>> where users would actually want to do anything else then apply the same
>>>> global windowing strategy to all input PCollections.
>>>>  Jan
>>>> In Side input we also allow the user to control this mapping, so for
>>>> example side input elements could always map to the previous fixed window
>>>> (e.g. while processing window 12-1, you want to see summary data of all
>>>> records in the previous window 11-12). Users can do this by providing a
>>>> WindowMappingFunction to the View - essentially a function from window to
>>>> window. Unfortunately this is hard to use (one must create their own
>>>> PCollectionView class) and very poorly documented, so I doubt many users
>>>> know about this!
>>>> Reuven
>>>> On Sat, Apr 6, 2024 at 7:09 AM Jan Lukavský <> wrote:
>>>>> Immediate self-correction, although setting the strategy directly via
>>>>> setWindowingStrategyInternal() *seemed* to be working during Pipeline
>>>>> construction time, during runtime it obviously does not work, because
>>>>> the PCollection was still windowed using the old windowFn. Make sense
>>>>> to
>>>>> me, but there remains the other question if we can make flattening
>>>>> PCollections with incompatible windowFns more user-friendly. The
>>>>> current
>>>>> approach where we require the same windowFn for all input PCollections
>>>>> creates some unnecessary boilerplate code needed on user side.
>>>>>   Jan
>>>>> On 4/6/24 15:45, Jan Lukavský wrote:
>>>>> > Hi,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I came across a case where using
>>>>> > PCollection#applyWindowingStrategyInternal seems legit in user core.
>>>>> > The case is roughly as follows:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >  a) compute some streaming statistics
>>>>> >
>>>>> >  b) apply the same transform (say ComputeWindowedAggregation) with
>>>>> > different parameters on these statistics yielding two windowed
>>>>> > PCollections - first is global with early trigger, the other is
>>>>> > sliding window, the specific parameters of the windowFns are
>>>>> > encapsulated in the ComputeWindowedAggregation transform
>>>>> >
>>>>> >  c) apply the same transform on both of the above PCollections,
>>>>> > yielding two PCollections with the same types, but different
>>>>> windowFns
>>>>> >
>>>>> >  d) flatten these PCollections into single one (e.g. for downstream
>>>>> > processing - joining - or flushing to sink)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Now, the flatten will not work, because these PCollections have
>>>>> > different windowFns. It would be possible to restore the windowing
>>>>> for
>>>>> > either of them, but it requires to somewhat break the encapsulation
>>>>> of
>>>>> > the transforms that produce the windowed outputs. A more natural
>>>>> > solution is to take the WindowingStrategy from the global
>>>>> aggregation
>>>>> > and set it via setWindowingStrategyInternal() to the other
>>>>> > PCollection. This works, but it uses API that is marked as @Internal
>>>>> > (and obviously, the name as well suggests it is not intended for
>>>>> > client-code usage).
>>>>> >
>>>>> > The question is, should we make a legitimate version of this call?
>>>>> Or
>>>>> > should we introduce a way for Flatten.pCollections() to re-window
>>>>> the
>>>>> > input PCollections appropriately? In the case of conflicting
>>>>> > WindowFns, where one of them is GlobalWindowing strategy, it seems
>>>>> to
>>>>> > me that the user's intention is quite well-defined (this might
>>>>> extend
>>>>> > to some 'flatten windowFn resolution strategy', maybe).
>>>>> >
>>>>> > WDYT?
>>>>> >
>>>>> >  Jan
>>>>> >

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