We are switching from embedded flink runner to filink server. The embedded
flink runner works fine, jobs start instantly. However when we use the
flink server we are experiencing about 30 seconds of idle time (no
significant cpu, io load) before we see the job in the flink. We are
targeting at most 2 seconds overhead to run ad-hoc query pipelines.
We did some investigation and saw that the fat jar is about 150MB that was
sent from the beam to the flink cluster. Still this does not justify the 30
sec. We are trying to deploy dependencies to the flink workers and decrease
the jar size. It's not clear at the moment what causes this delay.

Flink version: 1.16
Beam version: 2.55.1

Thank you,


György Balogh
E gyorgy.bal...@ultinous.com <zsolt.sala...@ultinous.com>
M +36 30 270 8342 <+36%2030%20270%208342>
A HU, 1117 Budapest, Budafoki út 209.
W www.ultinous.com

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