@frances great analysis. I'm hoping this serves as the starting point for
the discussion.

It really comes down to: is this a nice to have or a show stopping
requirement? As you mention, it comes down to the use case. I've taught at
large financial companies where (global) sorting was a real and show
stopping use case. Theirs was for a large end of day report that had to be
globally sorted and consumed by many other groups. Sorry, I can't be more



On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 10:19 AM Frances Perry <f...@google.com.invalid>

> Currently the Beam model doesn't provide the functionality to do sorting,
> so this is a pretty deep feature request. Let's separate the discussion
> into value sorting and global sorting.
> For value sorting, you need to be able to specify some property of the
> value (often called a secondary key) and have the GroupByKey/shuffle
> implementation sort values for a given key by the secondary key. This is a
> pretty common use case, and I think exposing this in Beam would make a lot
> of sense. The Hadoop and the Cloud Dataflow shuffle implementation supports
> this, for example. So it may just be a matter of figuring out how best to
> expose it to users. In FlumeJava we had you explicitly ParDo to pair values
> with a string "sort key" so you'd GroupByKey on a PCollection<KV<Key,
> KV<String, Value>> and get back the Values sorted lexicographically by
> String. It's a bit gross for users to think about a way to order things
> that sorts lexicographically. Looks like Crunch[1] uses a general sort key
> -- but that likely won't interact cleanly with Beam's use of encoded keys
> for comparisons. Would be nice to think about if there's a cleaner way.
> For global sorting, you need to be able to be able to generate and maintain
> orderedness across the elements in a PCollection and have a way to know how
> to partition the PCollection into balanced, sorted subchunks. This would
> have a pretty large impact on the Beam model and potentially on many of the
> runners. Looking at the Crunch sort [1], it requires users to provide the
> partitioning function if they want it to scale beyond a single reduce. I'd
> love to see if there's a way to do better. It also can have a pretty big
> impact on the ability to efficiently parallelize execution (things like
> dynamic work rebalancing [2] become trickier). Within Google [3], we've
> found that this tends to be something that users ask for, but don't really
> have a strong use case for. It's usually the case that Top suffices or that
> they would rather redo the algorithm into something that can parallelize
> more efficiently without relying on a global sort. Though of course, with
> out this, we can't actually do the TeraSort benchmark in Beam. ;-)
> And of course there's the impact of the unified model on all this ;-) I
> think these ideas would translated to windowed PCollections ok, but would
> want to think carefully about it.
> [1] https://crunch.apache.org/user-guide.html#sorting
> [2]
> https://cloud.google.com/blog/big-data/2016/05/no-shard-left-behind-dynamic-work-rebalancing-in-google-cloud-dataflow
> [3]
> https://cloud.google.com/blog/big-data/2016/02/history-of-massive-scale-sorting-experiments-at-google
> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 8:56 AM, Jesse Anderson <je...@smokinghand.com>
> wrote:
> > This is somewhat the continuation of my thread "Writing Out
> List<String>."
> >
> > Right now, the only way to do sorting is with the Top class. This works
> > well, but has the constraint of fitting in memory.
> >
> > A common batch use case is to take a large file and sort it. For example,
> > this would be sorting a large report (several GB) file by timestamp. As
> of
> > right now, this isn't built into Beam. I think it should be.
> >
> > I'll hold out Crunch's Sort
> > <
> https://crunch.apache.org/apidocs/0.11.0/org/apache/crunch/lib/Sort.html>
> > class as an example of what this class could look like.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jesse
> >

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