the WindowFn is responsible for mapping from main-input window to
side-input window. Have a look at WindowFn.getSideInputWindow(). For
SlidingWindows this takes the last possible sliding window as the
side-input window.


On Sun, 26 Jun 2016 at 22:30 Shen Li <cs.she...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am little confused about how the runner should handle SideInput if it
> comes from a sliding-windowed PCollection.
> Say we have two PCollections A and B. Apply
> Window.into(SlidingWindows.of...) on B, and create a View from it (call it
> VB).
> Then, a Pardo takes the PCollection A as the main input and VB as side
> input: A.apply(ParDo.withSideInputs(VB).of(new DoFun() {...})).
> In the DoFun.processElement(), when the user code calls
> ProcessContext.sideInput(VB), the view of which window in VB should be
> returned if the event time of the current element in A corresponds to
> multiple sliding windows in B?
> Thanks,
> Shen

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