Hi Beamers!

It’s been six months today since Beam was accepted into incubation. It’s
thrilling how far we’ve come since then!

I’d like to volunteer to put together a post on the Beam blog summarizing
our progress since February. Here’s a starting point... What am I missing
that we should include? What makes you proud?

By the numbers:

* 48,238 lines of preexisting code donated by Cloudera, dataArtisans, and

* 761 pull requests from 45 contributors.

* 498 Jira issues opened and 245 resolved.

* 1 incubating release (and another 1 in progress).

* 4200 hours of automated tests.

* 161 subscribers / 606 messages on user@.

* 217 subscribers / 1205 messages on dev@.

There’s been a lot of technical progress, including:

* Refactoring of the entire codebase, examples, and tests to be truly

* New functionality in the Apache Flink runner for timestamps/windows in
batch and bounded sources and side inputs in streaming mode.

* Work in progress to upgrade the Apache Spark runner to use Spark 2.0.

* Several new runners from the wider Apache community -- Apache Gearpump
has its own feature branch, Apache Apex has a PR, and conversations are
starting on Apache Storm and others.

* New SDKs/DSLs -- the Python SDK from Google is in, and there are plans to
add the Scio DSL from Spotify.

* Support for new IO connectors -- Apache Kafka and JMS are in, with Amazon
Kinesis in PR.

And community-wise, we’ve:

* Started building a vibrant developer community, with detailed design
discussions on features like DoFn reuse semantics, serialization
technology, and an API for accessing state.

* Started building a user community with improvements to the website and

* Had multiple talks on Beam at venues including ApacheCon, Hadoop Summit,
Kafka Summit, JBCN Barcelona, QCon, and Strata.

* Presented at multiple existing meetups and are starting to organize some
of our own.

This half birthday is also a good chance to take a step back and reflect on
our goals for this year -- TLP graduation and the first stable release.
Where are we on this path? What can we do better to accomplish these
high-level goals?


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