+1. For me it's one of the most important point for the new website. We should 
give a clear and exhaustive list of what we have, both for runners and IOs 
(with supported features).



On Oct 24, 2016, 21:52, at 21:52, "Ismaël Mejía" <ieme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I am really happy to see new runners been contributed to our community
>(e.g. GearPump and Apex recently). We have not discussed a lot about
>current capabilities of both runners.
>Following the recent discussion about making ongoing work more explicit
>the mailing list, I would like to ask the people involved about the
>status of them, I think it is important to discuss this (apart of
>the given JIRAs + updating the capability matrix docs) because more
>can eventually jump and give a hand on open issues.
>I remember there was a google doc for the  capabilities of each runner,
>this doc still available (sorry I lost the link). I suppose that once
>ongoing runners mature we can add this doc also to the website.
>ps. @Amit, given that the spark 2 (Dataset based) runner has also a
>branch, if you consider it worth, can you please share a bit about that
>work too.
>ps2. Can anyone please share the link to the google doc I was talking
>about, I can't find it after the recent changes to the website.

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