> From the URL Hadar shared, I believe we are using GCS buckets to host the
> content. https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/hosting-static-website has
> information about hosting static websites. Have we looked at that before?
> There's a section of that titled "Optional: Assigning pages" which has more
> information about editing website configuration. (you may need to change
> some config settings so that GCS knows it's a website before it'll give you
> those options)
> > p.s. I'd love to contribute to solving the /index.html thing. Seems like
> > something we should be able to engineer our way around.

I have experimented with automatic staging of website pull requests to
simplify reviews -- it is a work-in-progress due to the "/index.html thing".

In the current setup, we'd need a (sub-)domain with CNAME and a TXT entries
to solve the problem. I've floated the idea with Infra -- they weren't
enthusiastic about doing this as a subdomain of beam.incubator.apache.org.
Unless we choose to obtain another domain elsewhere, the only option I'm
aware of would be to try to "sed" the jekyll's output to fix the links --
somewhat fragile and non-great, but possible.

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