Zitat von Bruce D'Arcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Start of the documented version of an RDF ontology is here:
> <http://www.users.muohio.edu/darcusb/rdf/schemas/biblio/>
> I've just decided to model the basic classes; the sort of thing I'd do
> anyway if I was writing some web app, or using RDF.  But RDF provides
> a nice way to formalize the relationships.
> In earlier versions of my thinking on this, I relied much more on the
> structural approach I've been using. So there I'd have "base classes"
> like "part-InMonograph" and so forth.
> But when I got to it, I found this rather limiting, as you don't
> always know how an item relates to anotther item.  If you cite a song,
> for example, you don't know that it's on an album. So I've left things
> fairly flexible.

Hi Bruce, hi bibliographers,

Just some quick comments:
1. I am missings "handbook/manual" in your type list. And when you're at it, you
could add "painting" as well... and "RSS feed"?
In the end you'll have to acknowledge that new types of documents may arise in
the future and that certain people always have specific types of document that
you, I and all the others cannot foresee.

2. Writing a list of types in one language is one thing. But please bear in mind
that you'll have to find a suitable (uniqe!) translation for each type for any
other common language. I mention this, because in the current German
translation of OOo there is still two times the entry "Tagungsbericht" and
additionally the entry "Konferenzbericht". If you ask me I couln't tell the
difference between the three. (It's all more or less "conference proceedings".)

3. My idea about this is an internet repository where people can upload new
proposed document types AND their translations for certain languages. Someone
will have to look over them, ensure they are correctly translated and approve
them for public usage.
.. A sort of standardization process, so to speak.

(P.S. I havn't looked at the other aspects of you schema yet.)

Matthias Basler

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