On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 3:30 PM, Cory Johns <cory.jo...@canonical.com> wrote:
> The individual Jiras that we proposed should be self-contained if we don't
> mark them as dependent on another Jira ticket and ready for review if they
> have a patch attached.

They depend on the patches that the Bigtop base layer throws in. That connection
is not articulated anywhere but in the code of the Bigtop layer.

A slightly more esoteric problem is that the Charms I've looked at so
far are structured
slightly differently. Now, I get the fact that commonality among all
the charms is elusive,
but perhaps we can at least get to certain commonality in the
Bigtop-derived Charms.

Here's an example from my recent memory: I remember looking at one
Charm implementing
tests as a call to smoke-test action and another one just running some
code. If I had a single
branch I could've immediately looked up how the rest of the Bigtop
charms do it. Stuff like

> The issue with the bigtop-base layer having to live outside the Bigtop repo
> is a limitation of the charm-build tooling (
> https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/issues/212) and I don't think it will
> be resolved soon.

Right and this very well may be my inexperience with Juju, but my ideal state
is havign Bigtop layer in the same repo so I can freely move code between
Puppet, Charms and Bigtop layer for refactoring purposes.

> However, the build process is always going to depend on
> some external layers, such as the reactive base layer, and some interface
> layers.  This is just an aspect of how building charms from layers works.
> Do you consider this an issue for the charms in Bigtop?

At least initially Bigtop layer is really tightly coupled. Over time,
I'd agree -- it
will be less and less useful to have it closeby in the same repo.

> We tend to think
> of it like a "compile" step for the charms and the layers pulled from
> http://interfaces.juju.solutions/ to be analogous to using libraries from
> PyPI.

Sure. But running with your analogy -- I agree that while I can link
both glibc and
libthrift just as opaque binary objects I need source code for thrift
a lot more than
I do for glibc.


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