Well, finally I came around and started working on the long-awaiting feature
for Bigtop, where one would be able to quickly build a container with an
arbitrary set of components in it for further orchestration.

The ideas was to have components in different layers, so they could be put
combined together for desired effect. Say there are layers with:
  1 hdfs
  2 hive
  3 spark
  4 hbase
  5 ignite
  6 yarn
and so on....

If one wants to assemble a spark only cluster there would be a way to layer up
3 and 1 (ideally, 3's dependency to 1 would be automatically calculated) and
boom - there's an image, which would be put to use. The number of combination
might be greater, of course. E.g. 3-6-1, or 4-2-1-6 and so forth.

Turned out, that I can't "prebuild" those layers as Docker won't allow you to
combine separate images to one ;( However, there's still a way to achieve a
similar effect. All I need to do is to create a set of tar-ball containing all
bits of particular components, i.e. all bits of spark or hive. When an image
needs to be build, these tarballs would be used to layer the software on top
of the base image and each other. In the above example, Dockerfile would look
something like

    FROM ubuntu:16.04
    ADD hdfs-all.tar /tmp
    RUN tar xf /tmp/hdfs-all.tar 
    ADD spark-all.tar /tmp
    RUN tar xf /tmp/spark-all.tar 

Once the images is generated, the orchestration and configuration phases will
kick in. At which point a docker-based cluster would be all ready to go.

Do you guys see any value in this approach comparing to the current
package-based way of managing things? 

Appreciate any thoughts!

P.S. BTW, I guess I have a decent answer to all those asking for tar-ball
installation artifacts. It is as easy as running 
    dpkg-deb -xv
on all packages and then tar'ing up the resulted set of files.

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