Hi all,

I'd like to propose a next minor release of Apache Bigtop, which is 1.3.1.

Although Bigtop 1.3.0 was released back in Nov. 2018. It's a good sign for
a project to release early, release often.

The release will contain the following features:
1. Overhaul the deployment and testing modules
2. Project Frontier: Bigtop Integration Test Framework 2.0
3. Minor upgrade to components such as: Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, etc
4. Other bug fixes

This minor release is more focus on the quality end instead of catching up
to latest version of components.
The plan is to have the RC out around mid February, 2019.

If the community is up to the release, I volunteer to be the RM.
However I'll yield if someone would like to take the role :)

- Evans

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