Hi all,

The overhaul as well as development is almost completed. With several new
features added, I'd like to propose to release Bigtop 1.4.0 directly
instead of doing 1.3.1 release(https://s.apache.org/2a8K). This helps to
promote these new features:

1. Full support to build and test inside docker with one stop seamlessly
Now just one command to build and test components:
$ ./gradlew spark-ind repo-ind docker-provisioner -POS=ubuntu-16.04 -Pnexus
-Penable_local_repo -Pstack=spark-standalone -Psmoke-tests=spark

2. Support to build from git commit hash
$ ./gradlew kafka-pkg-ind -Pgit_repo=https://github.com/apache/kafka.git
-Pgit_ref=1.1 -Pgit_sha1=4dae083af486eaedd27c69c973c74605bffd416b

3. Version bumps and tests
Hadoop 2.8.5, Kafka 1.1.1, Spark 2.4.0, Alluxio 1.8.1
New smoke tests: Flink, Giraph (Crunch)

4. Loooooooots of bug fixes!

If agreed, please +1 and I'll still serve as the RM for 1.4 release, if no
preemption ;)


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