Hi Hang,

Thanks for starting this discussion!

+1 for 4.14.x or 4.14 we split versioned documents by minor versions.

Basically, patch versions should not introduce new documented changes. And
a release note already covers bug fixes.


Hang Chen <chenh...@apache.org> 于2022年10月17日周一 11:44写道:

> Hi guys,
> On the BookKeeper website, we only show the latest patch release
> version document, for example, we have BookKeeper versions [4.14.0,
> 4.14.1, 4.14.2, 4.14.3, 4.14.4, 4.14.5] and we only show 4.14.5's
> document in the website. It is reasonable because the path release
> version only contains bug fixes and the document won't have break
> changes. However, it will be confusing for new users. If he uses
> BookKeeper version 4.14.3, but cannot find related documents on the
> website.
> One solution is to change the BookKeeper version on the website from
> 4.14.5 to 4.14.x to represent all the patch release version documents
> in 4.14. The same way works in Pulsar[1] and Kafka[2] website
> documents.
> Any thoughts?
> [1] https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/
> [2] https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/
> Thanks,
> Hang

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