> I think that we must do something, current master branch is not stable.
> My colleague Massimiliano opened this issue
> https://github.com/apache/bookkeeper/issues/3751
> Basically in the current master there is some problem that leads to
> Netty BytBuf corruption.
> The problem is solved by reverting this PR
> https://github.com/apache/bookkeeper/pull/3528 Fix memory leak when
> reading entry but the connection disconnected
> Enrico

Hi, Enrico. We found that the pulsar timeout may not be introduced by 
https://github.com/apache/bookkeeper/pull/3528. Only roll back the pulsar 
version and still maintain https://github.com/apache/bookkeeper/pull/3528, the 
problem is also solved.

I guess the bk thread hangs for some reason in pulsar, the bk server handles 
the request successfully and sends the response to the bk client, but the bk 
thread hangs, it didn't handle the response, so timeout.

Massimiliano is tracing it at pulsar side.

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