This is the vote for BP-62.

### Motivation
The bookie server process add-entry requests pipeline:
- Get one request from the Netty socket channel
- Choose one thread to process the written request
- Write the entry into the target ledger entry logger's write
cache(memory table)
- Put the entry into the journal's pending queue
- Journal thread takes the entry from the pending queue and writes it
into PageCache/Journal Disk
- Write the callback response to the Netty buffer and flush to the
bookie client side.

For every add entry request, the bookie server needs to go through the
above steps one by one. It will introduce a lot of thread context

We can batch the add requests according to the Netty socket channel,
and write a batch of entries into the ledger entry logger and journal

### Modifications
The PR will change the add requests processing pipeline into the
following steps.
- Get a batch of add-entry requests from the socket channel until the
socket channel is empty or reached the max capacity (default is 1_000)
- Choose one thread to process the batch of add-entry requests.
- Write the entries into the target ledger entry logger's write cache one by one
- Put the batch of entries into the journal's pending queue
- Journal thread drains a batch of entries from the pending queue and
writes them into PageCache/Journal disk
- Write the callback response to the Netty buffer and flush to the
bookie client side.

With this change, we can save a lot of thread context switches.

### Performance
I start one bookie on my laptop and use the Bookkeeper benchmark to
test the performance
bin/benchmark writes -ensemble 1 -quorum 1 -ackQuorum 1 -ledgers 50
-throttle 20000

**Before this change**

| times | ops/sec | p95 latency | p99 latency |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | 147507 | 114.93 | 122.42 |
| 2 | 154571 |  111.46 | 115.86 |
| 3 | 141459 | 117.23 | 124.18 |
| 4 | 142037 | 121.75 | 128.54 |
| 5 | 143682 | 121.05 | 127.97 |

**After this change**

| times | ops/sec | p95 latency | p99 latency |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | 157328 | 118.30 | 121.79 |
| 2 | 165774 |  112.86 | 115.69 |
| 3 | 144790 | 128.94 | 133.24 |
| 4 | 151984 | 121.88 | 125.32 |
| 5 | 154574 | 121.57 | 124.57 |

The new change has a 2.2% improvement.

Please leave +1/-1 in this thread to join the vote. And feel free to
leave any concerns.


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