Il Dom 30 Lug 2023, 09:19 horizonzy <> ha scritto:

> When reading data from an EntryLog file, we create a BufferedReadChannel.
> In the size() method of BufferedReadChannel, FileChannelImpl.size() is
> called, which is a time-consuming operation.
> If the EntryLog file has been archived, it is unnecessary to call
> FileChannelImpl.size() every time we read from it. We only need to call it
> once, cache the result, and reuse it.
> This improvement can benefit two cases.
> 1. DefaultEntryLogger#scanEntryLog, it can help speed up compaction.
> 2. BufferedReadChannel#read, It can speed up reading entries from the
> EntryLog file.

I agree with this proposal.
I have left one little comment in the PR



> Performance Test.
> The entry log f file holds 1GB data.
> -rw-r--r--@  1 horizon  staff   1.0G  7 26 17:47 f.log
> 1. Test DefaultEntryLogger.scanEntryLog (10x performance improvement)
> ```
>     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
>         ServerConfiguration serverConfiguration = new
> ServerConfiguration();
>         serverConfiguration.setLedgerDirNames(new
> String[]{"/Users/horizon/Downloads/bk1/bk-data"});
>         DefaultEntryLogger defaultEntryLogger = new
> DefaultEntryLogger(serverConfiguration);
>         long l = System.currentTimeMillis();
>         AtomicInteger entryCount = new AtomicInteger();
>         defaultEntryLogger.scanEntryLog(15, new EntryLogScanner() {
>             @Override
>             public boolean accept(long ledgerId) {
>                 return true;
>             }
>             @Override
>             public void process(long ledgerId, long offset, ByteBuf entry)
> throws IOException {
>                 entryCount.incrementAndGet();
>             }
>         });
>         long spend = System.currentTimeMillis() - l;
>         System.out.println("Scan entry end, entry count: " +
> entryCount.get());
>         System.out.println("Spend: " + spend);
>     }
> ```
> Before:
> Scan entry end, entry count: 17886769
> Spend: 37273
> After:
> Scan entry end, entry count: 17886769
> Spend: 3363
> 2. Test DefaultEntryLogger.readFromLogChannel (30x performance improvement)
> ```
>     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
>         ServerConfiguration serverConfiguration = new
> ServerConfiguration();
>         serverConfiguration.setLedgerDirNames(new
> String[]{"/Users/horizon/Downloads/bk1/bk-data"});
>         DefaultEntryLogger defaultEntryLogger = new
> DefaultEntryLogger(serverConfiguration);
>         long l = System.currentTimeMillis();
>         BufferedReadChannel channel =
> defaultEntryLogger.getChannelForLogId(15);
>         int pos = 0;
>         //Read total 1gb data from the BufferedReadChannel.
>         long gb = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
>         ByteBuf byteBuf = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.heapBuffer(10);
>         while (pos < gb) {
>             defaultEntryLogger.readFromLogChannel(15, channel, byteBuf, 0);
>             pos += byteBuf.readableBytes();
>             byteBuf.clear();
>         }
>         long spend = System.currentTimeMillis() - l;
>         System.out.println("Spend: " + spend);
>     }
> ```
> Before:
> Spend: 69810
> After:
> Spend: 2338

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