Github user Graeme-Miller commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: guide/ops/locations/ ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
    +section: Azure Compute Classic
    +section_type: inline
    +section_position: 2.1
    +### Azure Compute Classic
    +Azure is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure created by 
Microsoft. Apache Brooklyn includes support for both Azure Classic and Azure 
ARM, as
    +one of the [Apache jclouds]( supported clouds 
`Microsoft Azure Compute`.
    +The two modes of using Azure are the "classic deployment" model and the 
newer "resource manager deployment" (ARM)
    +model. See
    +for details.
    +#### Setup the Azure credentials
    +Microsoft Azure requests are signed by SSL certificate. You need to upload 
one into your account in order to use an Azure
    +{% highlight bash %}
    +# create the certificate request
    +mkdir -m 700 $HOME/.brooklyn
    +openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout 
$HOME/.brooklyn/azure.pem -out $HOME/.brooklyn/azure.pem
    +# create the p12 file, and note your export password. This will be your 
test credentials.
    +openssl pkcs12 -export -out $HOME/.brooklyn/azure.p12 -in 
$HOME/.brooklyn/azure.pem -name "brooklyn :: $USER"
    +# create a cer file
    +openssl x509 -inform pem -in $HOME/.brooklyn/azure.pem -outform der -out 
    +{% endhighlight %}
    +Finally, upload .cer file to the management console at
 to authorize this certificate.
    +Please note, you can find the "myId" value for this link by looking at the 
URL when logged into the Azure management portal.
    +**Note**, you will need to use `.p12` format in the ``.
    +#### How to configure Apache Brooklyn to use Azure Compute
    +First, in your `` define a location as follows:
    +{% highlight properties %}
    +{% endhighlight %}
    +During the VM provisioning, Azure will set up the account with 
`<USER_NAME>` and `<PASSWORD>` automatically.
    +Notice, `<PASSWORD>` must be a minimum of 8 characters and must contain 3 
of the following: a lowercase character, an uppercase
    +character, a number, a special character.
    +To force Apache Brooklyn to use a particular image in Azure, say Ubuntu 
14.04.1 64bit, one can add:
    +From $BROOKLYN_HOME, you can list the image IDs available using the 
following command:
    +    ./bin/client "list-images --location azure-west-europe"
    +To force Brooklyn to use a particular hardwareSpec in Azure, one can add 
something like:
    +    brooklyn.location.jclouds.azurecompute.hardwareId=BASIC_A2
    +From $BROOKLYN_HOME, you can list the hardware profile IDs available using 
the following command:
    +    ./bin/client "list-hardware-profiles --location azure-west-europe"
    +At the time of writing, the classic deployment model has the possible 
values shown below.
    +for further details, though that description focuses on the new "resource 
manager deployment"
    +rather than "classic".
    + * `Basic_A0` to `Basic_A4`
    + * `Standard_D1` to `Standard_D4`
    + * `Standard_G1` to `Standard_G5`
    + * `ExtraSmall`, `Small`, `Medium`, `Large`, `ExtraLarge`
    +##### Named location
    +For convenience, you can define a named location, like:
    +{% highlight properties %} Europe West Europe!
    +{% endhighlight %}
    +This will create a location named `azure-west-europe`. It will inherit all 
the configuration
    +defined on `brooklyn.location.jclouds.azurecompute`. It will also augment 
and override this
    +configuration (e.g. setting the display name, image id and hardware id).
    +On Linux VMs, The `user` and `password` will create a user with that name 
and set its password,
    +disabling the normal login user and password defined on the `azurecompute` 
    +#### Windows VMs on Azure
    +The following configuration options are important for provisioning Windows 
VMs in Azure:
    +* `osFamily: windows` tells Apache Brooklyn to consider it as a Windows 
    +* `useJcloudsSshInit: false` tells jclouds to not try to connect to the VM
    +* `vmNameMaxLength: 15` tells the cloud client to strip the VM to maximum 
15 characters. 
    --- End diff --
    should say "strip the VM name"

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