Makes sense.

> On 22.06.2017 г., at 12:27, Alex Heneveld <> 
> wrote:
> inline
> On 22/06/2017 10:10, Svetoslav Neykov wrote:
>> +1 to the proposal.
>> One thing I have reservations about is having a recommended version syntax 
>> with other formats still supported but deprecated.
>> As far as I understand the recommended syntax is there so we can guarantee a 
>> uniqueness of the OSGi versions (when the source version is unique). Instead 
>> of having a recommended syntax can we document what we consider a unique 
>> version and let the user decide what format to follow?
> yes, we could.  but i think it's nicer in a community setting where 
> blueprints are being shared if versions follow the same format.  (we could 
> enforce the recommended syntax in the community catalog.)
> also i tend to think it's easier for users if we recommend a syntax rather 
> than have to explain about uniqueness of osgi bundles. (currently that 
> explanation is buried in an advanced section which can safely be ignored.)
> --a
>> Svet.
>>> On 20.06.2017 г., at 14:23, Alex Heneveld <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> I've drafted the documentation for how this could be explained to users.  
>>> This may be easier to grok than the email:
>>> Best
>>> Alex
>>> On 19/06/2017 17:39, Alex Heneveld wrote:
>>>> Hi All-
>>>> TL;DR - I am proposing that we encourage versions in Brooklyn of the form 
>>>> "1.1.0" or "1.2-qualifier" such as "1.2-SNAPSHOT", silently mapping when 
>>>> needed to OSGi as "1.1.0" or "1.2.0.qualifier" / "1.2.0.SNAPSHOT"
>>>> Further to my last mail -- we have a bit of discord between various 
>>>> versioning schemes--
>>>> * GitHub SemVer - which everyone talks lovingly about (though often not 
>>>> knowledgeably, and it's stricter than I realized!)
>>>> * OSGi versioning - a precursor to (1), in widespread use but I've never 
>>>> heard anyone say anything nice about it
>>>> * Maven - allows whatever you want but has recommendations and conventions 
>>>> most people kinda follow
>>>> They all agree on up to three numbers at the start.  It's what comes after 
>>>> that varies, usually either a "-" (semver, maven, conventions) or "." 
>>>> (osgi), followed by qualifiers.  If practice almost everyone seems to do 
>>>> "-" followed by qualifiers -- however qualifiers in practice often don't 
>>>> follow the strict constraints of semver (no leading zeroes, no 
>>>> underscores) nor some of the maven recommendations (use of build number).
>>>> (Detailed summary on SemVer and OSGi versioning is included below for 
>>>> reference.)
>>>> So far, Brooklyn hasn't had an opinion and I liked it that way. However 
>>>> when registering OSGi bundles we MUST confirm with OSGi versioning there.  
>>>> I'm pretty sure it's NOT desirable to enforce OSGi versioning on types, 
>>>> given that few people use it.  BUT we are moving to a world where I think 
>>>> we want type versions (entity versions etc) to align with bundle versions: 
>>>>  there is really no point in types having different versions to their 
>>>> defining bundle!  This makes for an incompatibility between what people 
>>>> would naturally use and what we have to use within OSGi.
>>>> With examples, my assumption is that people want to use and see strings 
>>>> like "1.1-SNAPSHOT".   But under the covers the OSGi bundle needs to have 
>>>> "1.1.0.SNAPSHOT".
>>>> I propose we resolve this by recommending a version syntax which fits what 
>>>> most things people are doing and which is bi-di mappable to OSGi.  We use 
>>>> this version everywhere except where a strict OSGi version is needed.  We 
>>>> WARN if we get a non-compliant version in a place which might be 
>>>> ambiguous.  And we minimise places where we need to rely on mapping.  (The 
>>>> main place a mapping is needed is if we need to create an OSGi version or 
>>>> compare with an OSGi version.)
>>>> Specifically I propose that Brooklyn type versions SHOULD be:
>>>>    <major> ( "." <minor> ( "." <patch> ")? )? ( "-" <qualifier>) ?
>>>>    where qualifier can have letters, numbers, "-" or "_" but NOT 
>>>> additional ".".
>>>> We construct an OSGi version, when needed, by replacing the first "-" with 
>>>> "." and inserting 0's if needed for a missing minor/patch.  So 
>>>> "1.1-SNAPSHOT" becomes "1.1.0.SNAPSHOT" when an OSGi version is needed.
>>>> Note that the above is a SHOULD.  The only strict requirement is the 
>>>> version string MUST NOT contain a ":".  (That breaks parsing.)
>>>> Where non-compliant versions are supplied, we WARN, but things work.  We 
>>>> apply simple heuristics to create a valid OSGi version -- but the problem 
>>>> is that we can no longer guarantee uniqueness ("0.0.0-a" and "0.0.0.a" 
>>>> would be conflated), and the result is possibly quite different to the 
>>>> input (eg "v1" would become "0.0.0.v1").  For this reason if given a 
>>>> non-compliant version string we WARN what the result is and that the 
>>>> resulting OSGi version could conflict with similar but not-identical 
>>>> version strings -- but things work fine unless someone is trying to have 
>>>> different bundles for "0.0.0-a" and "0.0.0.a"!
>>>> (If version is taken from MANIFEST.MF we reverse map to find the brooklyn 
>>>> type versions, by changing the ".<qualifier>" to "-<qualifier>"; no 
>>>> warning is needed here however as there is no risk of non-uniqueness.)
>>>> Returning to examples:
>>>> * If a user specifies "1.1-SNAPSHOT" that's what they will see everywhere 
>>>> except deep within OSGi where they will see "1.1.0.SNAPSHOT"
>>>> * If a user includes a MANIFEST.MF they would have to use "1.1.0.SNAPSHOT" 
>>>> syntax there; they should still use "1.1-SNAPSHOT" in the (or 
>>>> "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT" would be fine too).  If they use "1.1.0.SNAPSHOT" in the 
>>>> things will work, but they will get a warning, and 
>>>> "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT" is what will display in the UI.  If a different number or 
>>>> qualifier (eg "1.2.0-SNAPSHOT" or "1.1-beta") is used, it will give an 
>>>> ERROR because the mapping will make an inconsistent OSGi version.
>>>> I think the only other big options are to require OSGi everywhere (user 
>>>> unfriendly, and bad for backwards compatibility) or completely decouple 
>>>> OSGi bundle version from type versions (overly confusing).  So while I'm 
>>>> reluctant to get in to the "versions should look like XXX" I think it's 
>>>> worth it to play nicely in OSGi and semver, and the above I think is the 
>>>> simplest and best way (even if the technicalities don't look so simple on 
>>>> first read!).
>>>> That said if there are version strings people want that aren't going to be 
>>>> well-supported with this proposal, please shout now!
>>>> Best
>>>> Alex
>>>> APPENDIX - Comparison of SemVer and OSGi
>>>> *<major> "." <minor> "." <patch> ( "-" <pre_release_id> )?  ( "+" 
>>>> <build_id> )?*
>>>> The first three parts are numbers.
>>>> Where <pre_release_id> and <build_id> are dot-separated tokens made up of 
>>>> letters, digits, and "-".
>>>> Key things:
>>>> * numbers and and pre_release_id tokens must not consist of numbers with 
>>>> leading zeros (e.g. "1.01" is not valid, nor is "1.0.0-01"; but "1.0.0+01" 
>>>> is)
>>>> * "-" immediately after the patch indicates pre-release and special 
>>>> precedence rules apply
>>>> * build-id metadata should be ignored when computing precedence
>>>> sections 1.3.2 and 3.2.5
>>>> *<major> ( "." <minor> ( "." <micro> ( "." <qualifier> )? )? )?*
>>>> The first three parts are the same as semver, except leading zeros are 
>>>> allowed.
>>>> <qualifier> consists of letters, numbers, "-", and "_".
>>>> (1) OSGi allows abbreviating when there is no qualifier data (e.g. "1.1") 
>>>> whereas semver doesn't (has to be "1.1.0")
>>>> (2) OSGi requires a dot before the qualifier, whereas semver uses "-" or 
>>>> "+" depending on what the qualifier is meant for
>>>> (3) OSGi permits underscores but not dots; semver permits dots to separate 
>>>> non-empty tokens
>>>> END

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