
Should this be applicable to all POST/DELETE calls?  Imagine an
`X-caller-request-uid` and a filter which caches them server side for a
short period of time, blocking duplicates.

Solves an overlapping set of problems.  Your way deals with a
"deploy-if-not-present" much later in time.


On 25 July 2017 at 17:44, Aled Sage <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been exploring adding support for `&deploymentUid=...` - please see
> my work-in-progress PR [1].
> Do people think that is a better or worse direction than supporting
> `&appId=...` (which would likely be simpler code, but exposes the Brooklyn
> internals more).
> For `&appId=...`, we could either revert [2] (so we could set the id in
> the EntitySpec), or we could inject it via a different (i.e. add a new)
> internal way so that it isn't exposedon our Java api classes.
> Thoughts?
> Aled
> [1]
> [2]
> 5eb11fa91e9091447d56bb45116ccc3dc6009df
> On 07/07/2017 18:28, Aled Sage wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Taking a step back to justify why this kind of thing is really
>> important...
>> This has come up because we want to call Brooklyn in a robust way from
>> another system, and to handle a whole load of failure scenarios (e.g. that
>> Brooklyn is temporarily down, connection fails at some point during the
>> communication, the client in the other system goes down and another
>> instance tries to pick up where it left off, etc).
>> Those kind of thing becomes much easier if you can make certain
>> assumptions such as an API call being idempotent, or it guaranteeing to
>> fail with a given error if that exact request has already been accepted.
>> ---
>> I much prefer the semantics of the call failing (with a meaningful error)
>> if the app already exists - that will make retry a lot easier to do safely.
>> As for config keys on the app, in Duncan's use-case he'd much prefer to
>> not mess with the user's YAML (e.g. to inject another config key before
>> passing it to Brooklyn). It would be simpler in his case to supply in the
>> url `?appId=...` or `?deploymentId=...`.
>> For using `deploymentId`, we could but that feels like more work. We'd
>> want create a lookup of applications indexed by `deploymentId` as well as
>> `appId`, and to fail if it already exists. Also, what if someone also
>> defines a config key called `deploymentId` - would that be forbidden? Or
>> would we name-space the config key with `org.apache.brooklyn.deploymentId`?
>> Even with those concerns, I could be persuaded of the
>> `org.apache.brooklyn.deploymentId` approach.
>> For "/application's ID is not meant to be user-supplied/", that has
>> historically been the case but why should we stick to that? What matters is
>> that the appId is definitely unique. That will be checked when creating the
>> application entity. We could also include a regex check on the supplied id
>> to make sure it looks reasonable (in case someone is already relying on app
>> ids in weird ways like for filename generations, which would lead to a risk
>> of script injection).
>> Aled
>> On 07/07/2017 17:38, Svetoslav Neykov wrote:
>>> Hi Duncan,
>>> I've solved this problem before by adding a caller generated config key
>>> on the app (now it's also possible to tag them), then iterating over the
>>> deployed apps, looking for the key.
>>> An alternative which I'd like to mention is creating an async deploy
>>> operation which immediately returns an ID generated by Brooklyn. There's
>>> still a window where the client connection could fail though, however small
>>> it is, so it doesn't fully solve your use case.
>>> Your use case sounds reasonable so agree a solution to it would be nice
>>> to have.
>>> Svet.
>>> On 7.07.2017 г., at 18:33, Duncan Grant <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I'd like to propose adding an appId parameter to the deploy endpoint.
>>>> This
>>>> would be optional and would presumably reject any attempt to start a
>>>> second
>>>> app with the same id.  If set the appId would obviously be used in
>>>> place of
>>>> the generated id.
>>>> This proposal would be of use in scripting deployments in a distributed
>>>> environment where deployment is not the first step in a number of
>>>> asynchronous jobs and would give us a way of "connecting" those jobs up.
>>>> Hopefully it will help a lot in making things more robust for end-users.
>>>> Currently, if the client’s connection to the Brooklyn server fails while
>>>> waiting for a response, it’s impossible to tell if the app was
>>>> provisioned
>>>> (e.g. how can you tell the difference between a likely-looking app, and
>>>> another one deployed with an identical blueprint?). This would make it
>>>> safe
>>>> to either retry the deploy request, or to query for the app with the
>>>> expected id to see if it exists.
>>>> Initially I'm hoping to use this in a downstream project but I think
>>>> this
>>>> would be useful to others.
>>>> If no one has objections I'll aim to implement this over the next
>>>> couple of
>>>> weeks.  On the other hand I'm totally open to suggestions of a better
>>>> approach.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Duncan Grant

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