hi Karaf devs-

i have a question about start-level behaviour in karaf/felix.  the osgi spec says that start-levels should increase 1 by 1 during startup [1].  this doesn't seem to be happening in a clean karaf-based environment.  what we observe is that startlevel jumps directly to the `beginning` level (100 in our case) before our boot bundles (at karaf.startlevel.bundle=80) are started -- a log(startlevel) in one of the boot bundle activators shows "100" on a clean install.  on a subsequent startup it shows "80":

    2020-11-23T11:32:01,159 - INFO  175 o.a.b.u.o.OsgiActivator [tures-3-thread-1] Starting org.apache.brooklyn.utils-common [175], at start level 100, state 8

    2020-11-23T11:40:04,651 - INFO  175 o.a.b.u.o.OsgiActivator [FelixStartLevel] Stopping org.apache.brooklyn.utils-common [175]

    2020-11-23T11:40:15,431 - INFO  175 o.a.b.u.o.OsgiActivator [FelixStartLevel] Starting org.apache.brooklyn.utils-common [175], at start level 80, state 8

we are on 4.2.8.  there are related issues [2] where this has been observed, but this particular issue wasn't the focus; other suggestions in those issues, to set `featuresBootAsynchronous=false` and to add items to `startup.properties` are not working for us (although maybe I'm not adding the right bundles to startup.properties).

i totally buy the argument that declarative dependencies are better in most cases, but i think this is one of those use cases where relying on start-levels is justified.  one actual problem we're trying to solve is preventing hot deployment until after all the boot bundles are started.  but because startlevel is jumping directly to 100, these settings don't work as expected:


we'd expect based on startlevel that fileinstall shouldn't start until boot bundles are installed (startlevel 80).  but instead fileinstall starts trying to hot-deploy right away, because startlevel jumped to 100, and because our boot bundles aren't yet available, it fails for a while.  once the boot bundles are installed, the hot-deploy bundles get wired in fine and it all works, and the start-levels as shown in `bundle:list` are as expected (80 and 95), but we'd ilke not to have all the failed hot-deployment attempts, and there might be hot-deployed bundles that users install which interfere with the boot wiring in ways we don't want (offering other services, etc).  so this seems a common and desirable use case for startlevels to be obeyed -- useful enough anyway that the fileinstall authors provided those settings!

we also have another related problem that this is blocking, that we would like some of our bundles not to do some initalization until user-supplied hot-deploy bundles are installed, as discussed on the Apache Brooklyn ML (and hence the cross-post).

so ... is there a way to have a karaf clean startup see our boot bundles and start levels and not jump to 100, so it completes startlevel 80 before startlevel 95 kicks in? ... or some other way to have fileinstall not run until our boot bundles are installed?

many thanks.


[1] https://docs.osgi.org/specification/osgi.core/7.0.0/framework.startlevel.html -- section 9.3.1

> The Framework must then increase or decrease the active start level by 1 until the requested start level is reached. > The Framework must not increase to the next active start level until all started bundles have returned from their BundleActivator.start method

[2] Related issues:


PS:  related curiousity, if i set `beginning=90` in the above case and then manually increase the startlevel to 100 later, it works, but i have the `org.apache.servicemix.bundles.dom4j` bundle in my deploy/ directory, and that makes Karaf destroy lots of the blueprint services we created during boot.  i can't see why they would, as a bundle it seems pretty simple, our other bundles don't use the dom4j classes, the logs don't give any reason why in this case, and if it's hot-deployed early we don't have any issues; so again I'm grateful if anyone has thoughts on why this would happen!

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