Hi devs,

We are seeing more use of predicates and specs in blueprints.  These are
powerful features and not too hard to express in blueprints using the
`$brooklyn:object` and `$brooklyn:entitySpec` DSL constructs, but I'm
thinking it's worth what I think will be a fairly small level of effort to
make these nicer to work with.

Currently for predicates, e.g. in a DynamicGroup or DynamicMultiGroup, to
filter the entities to accept we write something like this:

          type: org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.EntityPredicates
          factoryMethod.name: attributeEqualTo
          - grouping
          - web-app-tier

And for entity specs, e.g. in DynamicCluster or DynamicMultiGroup, to
define the spec of what should be created we write something like:

          type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.group.BasicGroup
            - ...

With the bean support and type coercion we have, it would not be too hard
to allow a simpler YAML without the $brooklyn DSL.

For predicates we could define a default deserialization to be used,
effectively a DSL for predicates.  And for entity specs, where we know that
a spec is expected, if YAML is supplied we can support coercion from YAML
to specs directly.  In both cases the current $brooklyn DSL syntax would
still be supported, but users would have the option to write simpler and
more readable YAML.  I propose something like:

        sensor: grouping
        equals: web-app-tier


        type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.group.BasicGroup
          - ...

For predicates we can easily add things like config and tags, and location
config and tags, and regex, not, any, all, {less,greater}-than{,-or-equal).

I think this would make it much more natural to read and write blueprints
that make use of the powerful filters and specs.



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