Hi, Wei

Juan Pan(Trista), Apache member, Apache ShardingSphere PMC, Apache brpc 
(Incubator) & Apache AGE (Incubator) mentor
Twitter, @trista86934690

On 09/7/2021 17:19,Wang Wei<guodongxia...@163.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm Wang Wei, I used to work in Tencent and Baidu, now I'm responsible for 
developing online recommendation system within brpc at Vivo. Thanks for 
Zhongyi's invitation. I'd like to apply to become a committer of brpc.

My common nickname is "果冻虾仁" on major Chinese websites.
Here is my Github: https://github.com/guodongxiaren
And here is my personal homepage on Zhihu: 
I often share knowledge by answering questions and writing technical articles

Since 2020, I began to use brpc on a large scale in my work and then I began to 
read the source code of brpc. I have written several articles to analyze 
bthread while learning the source code of bthread.

I found some typos in docs and comment of brpc, so I began to contribute to 
brpc in this May. Later, I began to do some bug fixes and feature enhancements.

You can find all of my pull requests by this link:

Since I worked in Tencent serveral years ago, I have been paying attention to 
RPC framework. But it was not until the emergence of brpc that I found a modern 
RPC framework.

Thank you very much for having an opportunity to be a committer of brpc. I will 
continue to contribute code to brpc and follow up the community issue.

Best Regards.
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