sleep 1 should cut it (it's in seconds).

Go go go!

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 10:02, Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt <> wrote:

> First failure I checked was this one:
> it 'should not touch target directory unless running' do
>    mkpath 'target' ; File.utime @early, @early, 'target'
>    @filter.from('src').into('target').exclude('*').run
>    File.mtime('target').should be_close(@early, 10)
> end
> Can this ever work? On many systems you're not allowed to set the mtime of
> a file/dir to a time in the past. The pickaxe even states that utime does
> not work on all systems. It's probably safer to read the mtime, sleep, run
> the filter and then check the mtime again. How do you do
> java.lang.Thread#sleep in ruby?
> Pepijn

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