On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 12:04, Antoine Toulme <>wrote:

> Oh ok. Hudson only sends emails when build is failing OR on the first build
> where the build is successful again.
> So it should be less noise hopefully.
> On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 12:01, Daniel Spiewak <> wrote:
>> > Hey, you're not going to not read those emails, are you :) ?
>> >
>> I don't even read the CI emails from our server at Novell!  (unless the
>> build is failing because of one of my commits, but then I have filters to
>> catch that case)  I'm not big on the whole CI spam thing.  I know it's
>> useful for a lot of people, which is why I don't usually complain about
>> it,
>> but I really don't get that much out of hearing that the build is
>> *still*working after the 82nd commit in the last hour.  :-)
>> Daniel

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