I haven't checked yet but it seems as if project() is checking that all projects in the hierarchy are defined (i.e., the define task has been invoked). Wouldn't it be sufficient to only ensure the leaf of the path is defined and ignore the state of any parents? That would solve the problem you're describing.


Op 13-jun-2010 om 05:12 heeft Rhett Sutphin <rh...@detailedbalance.net> het volgende geschreven:\


(Note: very long. Buildr committers: before you tl;dr, please consider the section after the ==== at the end.)

On Jun 12, 2010, at 2:26 PM, Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt wrote:

I suspected 399 might have something to do with the cycle stuff that's been popping up. I still think the fix for 399 itself is correct though; the only difference is cycles are now being correctly detected where they previously might not have been.

I guess it depends on how you define "correctly". The way buildr 1.4.0 behaves, it is more awkward/less clear to use subprojects as namespaces: you can't express sibling dependencies by qualified name. The example I gave in BUILDR-454 was the minimal one I could reproduce, but this alternative example might show better why this is undesirable:

define "psc" do
 define "authentication" do
   define "plugin-api" do

   define "cas-plugin" do
     compile.with project("authentication:plugin-api")

 define "web" do
   compile.with project("authentication:plugin-api")

1.4.0 fails on loading this buildfile where 1.3.5 does not:

RuntimeError : Circular dependency detected: TOP => psc => psc:authentication => psc:authentication:local-plugin => psc:authentication

There isn't actually a dependency from psc:authentication:local- plugin to psc:authentication, though. psc:authentication doesn't even have any packages or tasks, so it's nonsense (and therefore frustrating) for buildr to claim that there is a circular dependency there.

As I indicated in the ticket for BUILDR-454, you can work around this by using project.parent.project('plugin-api'), but that's awkward. You can also work around it by defining cas-plugin like so:

define "cas-plugin" do
 compile.with project("plugin-api")

which is less awkward (though still potentially unclear: what if there are several plugin APIs in my project?), but it doesn't make sense that one works and the other one doesn't. After all, they both resolve to the same project.

This could come across as a regression to a user of buildr though. Any idea how to fix it?

Between BUILDR-454, BUILDR-320, and the problems Antoine referred to earlier in the thread, it seems like buildr's circular dependency detection is flawed[1]. Last time I looked into it, it seemed like it was inherited from rake. Perhaps its a mistake to have the projects themselves defined as separate rake tasks?

The alternative I've come up with is also flawed, but I'll describe it in case if gives someone a better idea:

Instead of using rake tasks for #defines, build up a graph of project instances. When a define is encountered:

 * Add a disconnected node for it to the graph
* Evaluate its body (but not any included defines), turning #project references into edges in the graph
   - If the referenced project exists in the graph, return it
   - If it doesn't, return a lazy proxy
* Perform a topological sort of the graph at this point to determine if any cycles exist. (RGL[2] has an implementation.) * If there are no cycles, recurse into the child defines and evaluate them the same way

(Note in particular that the parent-child relationship does not become a graph edge in this scheme, unless there's an explicit dependency from one to the other. However, that relationship would still need to be separately maintained in order for things like project.projects("foo", "bar") to work.)

I see one flaw in this approach: it precludes meaningful[3] forward references in #define. However, buildr already has problems with those (see BUILDR-320) and no one but me is complaining, so maybe no one uses them.

I haven't evaluated buildr itself to determine how hard this would be to implement.


Now, having gone on at length about possible solutions, I'd like to emphatically request that this not be solved before the next version of buildr is released. Buildr has not worked with the current version of rubygems for the last four months. As the developer of a two public java projects that use buildr, it is difficult enough for me to explain to people who want to compile them that there are build tools other than ant/maven/eclipse. Since February, there's been the additional complexity that I have to carefully explain to them how to install ruby but not the current version of rubygems. (And I'm not even mentioning the baroque RVM setup I have going personally so I can use rubygems 1.3.7 with my ruby projects while still using a released version of buildr for my java projects.)

If you do decide to delay the 1.4.0 release further, may I suggest a buildr 1.3.6 release that just fixes the rubygems incompatibility? And as a mature project, perhaps buildr should maintain separate stable and feature branches to address these sorts of critical issues.

Thanks for reading all that,

[1]: Indeed, I have so many problems with it that the other day when I (for the first time) encountered a valid cyclical dependency failure I initially assumed it was another buildr/rake bug.
[2]: http://rgl.rubyforge.org/rgl/index.html
[3]: by which I mean forward references which do anything with the attributes of the referenced project during project evaluation. compile.with project("foo"), e.g., falls into the meaningful reference category.


Op 12-jun-2010 om 21:11 heeft Antoine Toulme <anto...@lunar- ocean.com> het volgende geschreven:\

Commenting on my own email:

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 01:01, Antoine Toulme <anto...@lunar-ocean.com >wrote:

I tried some functional testing of RC4 with Apache ODE.

It didn't play well.

First, here is still an issue with tag_name over git. I thought this was fixed, but our API obviously is still not ready. We should at the very least
die with a deprecation message. I'll work on that this week-end.

Fixed now.

Second, with jruby, I got this annoying stacktrace:
Turns out our buildr script for jruby needed to be updated for version
1.5.1. Fixed now.

Third, I ran into issues with cycle detection.
Commenting out the Rake monkey-patching in application.rb fixes the issue -
I need to hack it some more.

Looks like BUILDR-399 causes the problem. Looks also like BUILDR-354 is
I'm wondering if the Rakefile of ODE is the problem - after all, it was one
of the first Rakefile and may contain some stale stuff.

Fourth, compilation fails because jmock and junit are not found.

Not there yet.

I'm not happy with this mess. I intend to start having rounds of functional
testing harnessed in Hudson.

Ongoing - I detailed my plan in BUILDR-456.

I'll probably sacrifice part of my week-end over this.



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