
On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 8:49 PM, Antoine Toulme <anto...@lunar-ocean.com>wrote:

> We're days away from the release (It will happen this week, I promise).
> Our all-in-one package is jruby+buildr, using a script put together by
> Alex.
> It delivers well: we get to have tight integration with jruby which gives
> us
> a ant-like solution.
> However we cannot, I think, make it available from the Apache downloads,
> for
> licensing reasons.
> I think a minima we should make it available from the rubyforge website. Is
> everybody ok with that ?
> I also contacted the jruby maintainers to give them a heads up. Maybe
> they'd
> like to host on jruby.org ?
> So I'd like to open an informal vote here. I'm ok with making this
> all-in-one package available in both places if possible.
> What's your take ?
> Antoine


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