The idea plugin in trunk has completely rewritten and may or may not
suffer from this problem anymore. If you could checkout the latest
version of buildr in trunk and try this to see if it is still a
problem then that would be muh appreciated.

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 6:43 AM, Chiaming Hsu <> wrote:
> I ran into an issue today where idea / idea7x project generations uses method
> sort on String.  This won't work for ruby 1.9.x:
> $ buildr idea7x
> (in /home/camyhsu/code/bug-submit/buildr/ruby1.9-idea, development)
> Writing
> /home/camyhsu/code/bug-submit/buildr/ruby1.9-idea/ruby1.9-idea-test-7x.ipr
> Writing
> /home/camyhsu/code/bug-submit/buildr/ruby1.9-idea/subproject/ruby1.9-idea-test-subproject-7x.iml
> Buildr aborted!
> NoMethodError : undefined method `sort' for "src/test/java":String
> (See full trace by running task with --trace)
> $
> Is this a known issue?  I saw a ticket for ruby 1.9 compatibility.  Should I 
> add
> a comment to that ticket or open a new bug under IDE integration?
> Cheers,
> Chiaming Hsu


Peter Donald

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