
We recently switched to buildr 1.4.5 and it's working very fine. Thanks everyone for all your work on buildr : I am very happy with it.

I have a few questions/remarks about the new idea task. First, it seems to work better than the previous one, so good job !

I found problems with managing test dependencies : they should be marked as scope='TEST' in the idea file ; in my code base, it made my whole project not compiling. I have written a spec and implemented it, but I'm not very happy with my coding : I found that changing the idea.rb wasn't easy (xml is changed by reference - side effects, confusion between main dependencies and test dependancies) and I made a choice (test = ! export) that is not correct. If I want to be more precise in my implementation, I would be obliged to rewrite the test_dependency_details method, but I might need some help for that (I'm not a rubyist). I don't know how to add this as a test, since my implementation passes all tests. Should I open a bug under JIRA ? Should I propose a patch or should I make a pull request under github ? Please review my commit here : https://github.com/jpcaruana/buildr/commit/7acd5f7fb68ddde9705e4ea8a366147fe358bf25 This is working fine for our code base, but might not be correct for other situations (since I made a drastic choice, as I explained earlier).

Also, a remark. The CLI API changed : in the past, a simple "buildr idea" was ok to generated idea files, but now we have to do a "buildr idea:generate". This is inconsistent with the eclipse plugin (still "buildr eclipse"), makes me think of the infamous "mvn eclipse:eclipse" (argh ! eclipse twice !) and shows implementation details to the final user. What do you think about it ? Should I file a bug for that too ?


Jean-Philippe Caruana
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