The vote is now closed. We have 2 +1 votes, binding, from Antoine Toulme and 
Peter Donald.

Thanks everybody! I’m pushing the bits and getting ready for 1.4.25 and 1.5.
> On Mar 23, 2016, at 3:04 PM, Antoine Toulme <> wrote:
> I will keep the vote open for another 24h. So far we have 2 +1s.
>> On Mar 19, 2016, at 11:58 PM, Antoine Toulme <> wrote:
>> OK, here is my +1.
>>> On Mar 19, 2016, at 10:29 PM, Antoine Toulme <> wrote:
>>> I rebased off your fix and released a new RC.
>>> I still need to try a few examples of my own before I vote.
>>>> On Mar 19, 2016, at 2:30 AM, Peter Donald <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I ran through 14 projects that used different sets of plugins and
>>>> found one bug and pushed a fix for bug. Once that fix is in I am +1 on
>>>> the release.
>>>> On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 2:53 PM, Antoine Toulme <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> We're voting on the source distributions available here:
>>>>> Specifically:
>>>>> The documentation generated for this release is available here:
>>>>> The following changes were made since 1.4.23:
>>>>> * Added:  Support the :no_invoke parameter being passed to 
>>>>> Buildr.project() and
>>>>>         Buildr.projects() to avoid attempting to call invoke when 
>>>>> retrieving the projects.
>>>>> * Added:  Add `exclude_paths` setting to pmd addon to allow paths to be 
>>>>> explicitly excluded.
>>>>> * Fixed:  Update jDepend addon to ensure target directories are invoked 
>>>>> prior to attempting
>>>>>         to analyze directories.
>>>>> * Added:  Add jdepend.additional_project_names configuration to jDepend 
>>>>> addon to
>>>>>         ease merging in the source paths from multiple projects into one 
>>>>> jDepend task.
>>>>> * Added:  Add findbugs.additional_project_names configuration to Findbugs 
>>>>> addon to
>>>>>         ease merging in the source paths from multiple projects into one 
>>>>> Findbugs task.
>>>>> * Added:  Add checkstyle.additional_project_names configuration to 
>>>>> Checkstyle addon to
>>>>>         ease merging in the source paths from multiple projects into one 
>>>>> Checkstyle task.
>>>>> * Added:  Add pmd.additional_project_names configuration to PMD addon to 
>>>>> ease merging in
>>>>>         the source paths from multiple projects into one PMD task.
>>>>> * Fixed:  In the PMD addon, check that the source directory exists before 
>>>>> adding to
>>>>>         sources directories to include.
>>>>> * Fixed:  BUILDR-709 - Fix "Exception in jacoco.rb [TypeError : can't 
>>>>> convert Array into
>>>>>         String]". Submitted By Ross Mahony.
>>>>> * Added:  Define the 'activate_jruby_facet' addon that activates the 
>>>>> jruby facet in
>>>>>         generated IDEA project modules.
>>>>> * Change: Update the Intellij IDEA plugin to support marking directories 
>>>>> as generated.
>>>>> * Change: Update the Intellij IDEA plugin to correctly identify project 
>>>>> paths as resource
>>>>>         directories.
>>>>> * Change: Update the default GWT version used in the GWT addon to the 
>>>>> latest release 2.7.0.
>>>>> * Fixed:  Fix GWT addon to explicitly add gwt-dev artifact to gwt compile 
>>>>> path now that
>>>>>         the bug that allowed unintended sharing has been fixed.
>>>>> * Fixed:  Fix bug in IDEA module generation that resulted in dependencies 
>>>>> in IDEA module
>>>>>         using shared references to compile dependencies.
>>>>> * Change: Update the checkstyle addon to use checkstyle 6.12.1.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Peter Donald

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