Thank you for the kind introduction, Julian! Also, thank you everybody for inviting me to the team! I am looking forward to working with you all and learning more about Calcite!

Just a quick introduction: I am an engineer at Dremio, working on a lot of interesting projects including Calcite! At Dremio, we work with a number of open source projects, including Calcite, Arrow, and Drill. I have been working on query planning and optimization. I think that Calcite's planner is very flexible and powerful, and am excited to continue working on it!


On 9/4/16 2:30 PM, Julian Hyde wrote:
On behalf of the PMC I am delighted to announce MinJi Kim as a new Calcite 
committer. Over several months MinJi has contributed more than a few patches to 
the planner and adapters, always high quality and well tested, and it has been 
a pleasure interacting with her. Please give MinJi a warm welcome to the 

MinJi, If you would like to say a few words introducing yourself to the 
community, and telling us more about how you use Calcite, that would be much 


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