I believe it has to do with the implementation of my tables, as I get fixed
1)select * from products => Rows:100
2)select * from products where productid > 5 => Rows:50
3)select * from products where productid = 5 => Rows:25 (and the exact same
numbers for the table orders)

How can I define a table that gives back correct metadata for the rows?
Right now my tables implement ScannableTable.

2016-09-24 21:15 GMT+03:00 Γιώργος Θεοδωράκης <giwrgosrth...@gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I am using a HepPlanner for query optimization on logical operators. When
> I run the optimizations, I get an optimized plan according to the rules I
> have used but wrong metadata results. My code is :
> SqlNode sqlNode = planner.parse(query);
> SqlNode validatedSqlNode = planner.validate(sqlNode);
> final RelNode convertedNode = planner.convert(validatedSqlNode);
> final RelMetadataProvider provider = convertedNode.getCluster().
> getMetadataProvider();
> final List<RelMetadataProvider> list = Lists.newArrayList(provider);
> hepPlanner.registerMetadataProviders(list);
> final RelMetadataProvider cachingMetaDataProvider = new
> CachingRelMetadataProvider(ChainedRelMetadataProvider.of(list),
> hepPlanner);
> convertedNode.accept(new MetaDataProviderModifier(
> cachingMetaDataProvider));
> hepPlanner.setRoot(convertedNode);
> RelNode rel = hepPlanner.findBestExp(); // when I print the logical plan
> it is correct
> rel.accept(new MetaDataProviderModifier(provider));
> final RelMetadataQuery mq = RelMetadataQuery.instance();
> RelOptCost relCost= mq.getCumulativeCost(rel);
> System.out.println("Plan cost is : " + relCost.toString()); //when I print
> the cost I get //a fixed number that has nothing to do with the actual size
> of my tables
> I always get the same numbers from cumulative cost, even if I change the
> contents of my tables for the same query. However, the numbers change
> before an after optimizing the query, but are still very large.What am I
> doing wrong?
> Thank you in advance,
>  George

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