Hey Guys,


first of all, great work!

I’m following the Calcite project since I worked a lot with Drill about 8 
months ago and I’m very pleased about how everything has developed.

We are currently trying to replace our self-made SQL Parser and Engine with 

But I have one question as we need to create UDFs which do not only return a 
single scalar value.


In fact, we do some kind of mapping from one table (that is processed in a 
streaming fashion like the AggregateFunctions do) to another Table (or even 
more complex nested structure).

Currently I do not see a way to do this as the AggregateFunctions do only allow 
to return scalar primitive types, or?

All my trials in returning different types resulted in Compile Errors from the 
Code generation.


On the other hand, the TableFunctions do not seem appropriate to me as they can 
only use parameters as input and not Columns that are passed row by row, or?


I would really appreciate any suggestions or help for this problem.

I’m also open for a discussion about how to implement such a feature in Calcite.


Thank you already!


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