Hi all,

I am new to the community and I  am still figuring out things. So please, 
apologize if I am not precise enough.

I am trying to work with streaming windows, and I would need to access some 
values related to the boundaries of the window.

So far, the way I found was to use the window group keys, and use its first 
value to get a value from the window.constants lists.


Integer lowerBoundKey = group.keys.asList().get(0);

Object lowerbound = constants.get(lowerBoundKey).getValue2();


However, this method seems to be a little arbitrary as I would expect to be 
using the lowerbound offset somehow.

Intuitively, I was expecting to use the lowerbound offset name or index 
position to get the value from somewhere, but I am having problems 
understanding how. I feel I am missing something, and I would be grateful if 
someone can give me some hint about it.

Thanks a lot in advance!

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