Hello, I just realised that my previous message to the community bounced :(. Sorry for the late notice. We have a streams meetup at LinkedIn today. One of the talks is about Samza SQL which is going to be released as part of the Samza 0.14 release. Samza SQL uses Apache calcite heavily for parsing, validation and planning. I think this talk should be interesting to the calcite community 😊.
https://www.meetup.com/Stream-Processing-Meetup-LinkedIn/events/244889719/ [https://secure.meetupstatic.com/s/img/286374644891845767035/logo/meetup-logo-script-1200x630.png]<https://www.meetup.com/Stream-Processing-Meetup-LinkedIn/events/244889719/> Stream Processing with Apache Kafka & Apache Samza ...<https://www.meetup.com/Stream-Processing-Meetup-LinkedIn/events/244889719/> Welcome: Welcome to the upcoming Stream Processing Meetup hosted by LinkedIn in Sunnyvale. This meetup focuses on Apache Kafka, Apache Samza, and related s www.meetup.com Thanks, Srini.