Somehow I missed it, but a new version of the SQL standard was released in 
December 2016. Here is wikipedia’s description of the new features:

> SQL:2016 introduced 44 new optional features. 22 of them belong
> to the JSON functionality, ten more are related to polymorphic table
> functions. The additions to the standard include:
> * JSON: Functions to create JSON documents, to access parts of
>    JSON documents and to check whether a string contains valid
>   JSON data
> * Row Pattern Recognition: Matching a sequence of rows against
>   a regular expression pattern
> * Date and time formatting and parsing
> * LISTAGG: A function to transform values from a group of rows into a
>   delimited string
> * Polymorphic table functions: table functions without predefined return type
> * New data type DECFLOAT

Nothing earth-shattering, but some good stuff there. DECFLOAT makes a lot of 
sense — businesses hate the kind of rounding errors that binary floating point 
introduces, and DECFLOAT would seem to map directly to java’s BigDecimal.

And MATCH_RECOGNIZE, which we have already started work on.


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