Hey Julian,

Thanks for the review! The script has also been updated to allow the releaser to select a tag during build (defaults to the latest tag if no tag is entered).

I've pushed the 3.0.0-rc1 tag to the repository. Can you build the artifacts and sign them please? Instructions for building the artifacts are available here: https://github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go/blob/master/site/go_development.md#releasing

I'll start a new vote once the artifacts are available.

Thanks again,

On 22/04/2018 9:16 AM, Julian Hyde wrote:
I've reviewed it.

Fine to include doc. As a policy I tend not to include anything
non-trivial in later release candidates, to avoid putting bumps in the
road, but documentation is fine.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 8:11 PM, Francis Chuang
<francischu...@apache.org> wrote:

Can you please review PR #22[1] for calcite-avatica-go?
I also have some documentation fixes in a PR #20[2], and since we are going
to cancel the vote for rc0 and roll rc1, I think it would be a good idea to
merge that PR in too.


[1] https://github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go/pull/22
[2] https://github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go/pull/20

On 18/04/2018 6:04 PM, Julian Hyde wrote:
I noticed the missing execute bit too. Thanks for the fix, Francis.

I added an 'apache-' prefix to the file names, and removed '-rc0' from
the file names (but not the directory name).

The files for review are here:


476EAA2B 90E73BF7 98764F5B 48694E58 FC80FD8D 5EFC74B6 004DE7CB B1D4C0DE


Francis, if you are ready, can you please start a vote?

(To be clear, I have not yet thoroughly reviewed the files. Let's do
that during the vote.)


On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Francis Chuang
<francischu...@apache.org> wrote:
Thanks, Julian.

I just noticed that the script `make-release-artifacts.sh` was not
with the executable bit fixed. I have pushed a commit to fix that, but
you'll need to make it executable to sign the release for 3.0.0-rc0.


On 18/04/2018 3:55 AM, Julian Hyde wrote:
I’m at a conference today and having problems using gpg remotely. I’ll
sign and upload the files tonight.

On Apr 17, 2018, at 9:34 AM, Julian Hyde <jh...@apache.org> wrote:

Yes, they need to be uploaded to dist/dev. I will generate them and
them (I can't sign them if I’m not sure they’re genuine!) and then
them. I’ll let you know.


On Apr 16, 2018, at 10:01 PM, Francis Chuang


The release (3.0.0-rc0) is ready for voting. Do the artifacts need to
uploaded before sending out the release email? If so, can you please
them? Instructions for making and signing release artifacts are here:



On 16/04/2018 4:44 PM, Julian Hyde wrote:
Yes, the script isn’t very complicated. We probably need half a dozen
lines of shell script to create the tar.gz file, sign it, and
.sha256 checksums. I don’t mind where you put those lines of shell
as long as the next RM can find them.

The site looks good. It doesn’t have to be perfect before the release
as we can easily update it after the release. I’d change the date in
history.md from 2017-08-xx to 2018-04-23. If all goes well the
release could
be announced ~5 working days after the vote starts.

I’m not sure whether "~~~~go” will work. Jekyll markdown is a bit
limited than GitHub markdown. We seem to have to use {% highlight sql
%} for
code sections.

There are probably other issues in the site but we’ll only know when
start running jekyll to build and deploy the avatica site.


On Apr 15, 2018, at 11:27 PM, F21 <f21.gro...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Julian,

The code is in a releasable state. A few questions:
- Building a binary of a library in Go is not useful/meaningful. For
the release, we just need to tar gz the git repo and sign it. Do you
need a script for this? Otherwise we can write the instructions
somewhere in
the site/ directory.

- Still need to write the release notes. Can you have a look at
https://github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go/pull/2 to see if I have
structured the site/ directory correctly? The PR is a bit stale, but
shouldn't be too much work to get it up to date.


On 10/04/2018 8:51 AM, Julian Hyde wrote:
Thanks, Francis.

The most important step is to come up with a release vote email
the same items as [1]: release notes, git commit, artifacts to be
voted on
in dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev
md5 and sha256 hashes. (The staged maven repository does not

Per apache policy, the release needs to be signed by a PMC member.
I’ll be happy to do that. Or we could skip signing for the first
couple of

Maybe write a shell script that creates the files, and a “howto”
the next RM can follow? I’ll be able to run the script when it’s
time to
create signed artifacts.





On Apr 9, 2018, at 3:26 PM, F21 <f21.gro...@gmail.com> wrote:

I am wrapping up some things today and plan to test Avatica Go
against the latest version of Avatica.

I think we'll be able to make a release by the end of the week.

I am happy to be the release manager for this one.

The latest version of Avatica is 2.3.1 under Boostport/avatica, I
think we should make this release 2.4.0.


On 10/04/2018 3:49 AM, Julian Hyde wrote:
We have to make a release of Avatica Go soon (like, within the

As I’ve said previously, a tar-ball of the source (plus
checksums/signatures and release notes) is sufficient. But we are
an Apache
project, and projects must make releases.

Can someone please volunteer to be release manager? I am too

What should the version number be?


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