For T(p) and F(p), did you know that SQL has IS TRUE and IS FALSE?

I find them very useful. For example, if I write “select * from t where x > 5” 
it is implicitly “select * from t where (x > 5) is true”. That takes care of 
3-valued logic, because if “x" is null then “x > 5” is unknown and “(x > 5) is 
true” is false.

Regarding deriving additional filters. I am cautious about adding too many 
derived predicates to RelMdPredicates. The number of derived predicates is 
exponential in the size of the original predicate, so we are placing a burden 
on the downstream RelNodes that will need to propagate those predicates.

> On Apr 27, 2018, at 4:30 AM, Zhong Yu <> wrote:
> In org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.FilterJoinRule,
> there's the following comment
>   // TODO - add logic to derive additional filters.  E.g., from
>   // (t1.a = 1 AND t2.a = 2) OR (t1.b = 3 AND t2.b = 4), you can
>   // derive table filters:
>   // (t1.a = 1 OR t1.b = 3)
>   // (t2.a = 2 OR t2.b = 4)
> When perf-testing TPC-H/DS queries, we found that such additional filters
> would have been very profitable in several cases.
> Has anybody worked on this issue or is there already a util to that effect?
> The following algorithm is what I am thinking; please comment if interested.
> Given a predicate p, we want to derive an implied predicate q, i.e. p->q,
> and q only references columns on a specified side of a join. Then we can
> transform p to AND(p, q); q will be pushed down at a later stage.
> Since we are dealing with 3-value booleans, we need to be very careful.
> To be precise, we need a function T(p) which returns a predicate such that
> for any row, if p evaluates to TRUE, T(p) must also evaluate to TRUE.
> To handle NOT, we also need a function F(p) such that for any row,
> if p evaluates to FALSE, F(p) must also evaluate to FALSE.
> T(p) can be defined as such --
> T( p ) => p, if p only references a specified side of a join
> T( OR(a,b) ) => OR(T(a), T(b))
> T( AND(a,b) ) => AND(T(a), T(b))
> T( NOT(p) ) => NOT( F(p) )
> T( p ) => TRUE, for all other cases, as the fallback
> // not a present concern, but more rules can be plugged into T(p) if
> // desired in some applications, e.g. T( x*x+y*y<100 ) => x*x<100
> F(p) is defined similarly --
> F( p ) => p, if p only references a specified side of a join
> F( OR(a,b) ) => OR(F(a), F(b))
> F( AND(a,b) ) => AND(F(a), F(b))
> F( NOT(p) ) => NOT( T(p) )
> F( p ) => FALSE, for all other cases, as the fallback
> We can unify T(p) and F(p) as one function X(v,p), where v is TRUE/FALSE.
> For any row, if p evaluates to v, then X(v,p) also evaluates to v.
> (The case of UNKNOWN seems very difficult, I'm not considering it here.)

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