A patch release some sounds good to me. Thanks for staying on top of all
this Francis! I'm +0 on renaming the source tarball. I'm assuming it's
unlikely anyone has built yoolinh expecting a particular filename structure
at this point.

On Mon, Sep 10, 2018, 04:57 Francis Chuang <francischu...@apache.org> wrote:

> I have a few minor housekeeping tasks I would like to include in this
> release. I want to replace the "golang.org/x/net/context" import path
> with just the stdlib "context" package, which has been available since
> Go 1.9. This means that we can also get rid of the ctxhttp package and
> use the WithContext() method for HTTP requests. This does means the
> release will be 3.2.0 rather than 3.1.1 as we need to follow semver to
> not break package managers.
> I also noticed that avatica-go release are named
> apache-calcite-avatica-go-src-x.x.x.tar.gz, where as Calcite and Avatica
> are released as apache-calcite-avatica-x.x.x-src.tar.gz. I think we can
> also make future releases apache-calcite-avatica-go-x.x.x-src.tar.gz for
> this release if desired.
> Francis
> On 10/09/2018 4:04 PM, Francis Chuang wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > As announced through the mailing list today, Avatica-Go 3.1.0 was
> > released with support for Go modules. Go modules is the official and
> > new way to manage dependencies for Go projects. Support for Go modules
> > landed in Go 1.11, which was released around 3 weeks ago.
> >
> > After the Avatica-Go 3.1.0, I proceeded to update a few of my
> > open-source libraries dependent on avatica-go. While updating the
> > dependencies, I noticed that the Go tool chain was pulling in v3.1.0
> > for the avatica-go library correctly, but was pulling in
> > v0.0.0-20180828061053-334bc15f92dd for the avatica-go errors
> > subpackage. This behavior is valid when using Go modules: it's
> > possible to use 2 different versions of a given library in a program
> > to gradually migrate to the newer version. For Go modules, once a
> > library's version is v2 or higher, the import paths should be updated
> > as well. For example, if avatica-go is at v1 or lower, then the go.mod
> > file would contain the path "module
> > github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go" and code importing the library
> > would use "github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go". In our case, since
> > avatica-go is at v3, the go.mod file contains "module
> > github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go/v3" and imports would use paths
> > like "github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go/v3", "module
> > github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go/v3/errors" and so on.
> >
> > The problem is that during the switch to Go modules, I updated the
> > go.mod file to "module github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go/v3", but
> > did not realize that all imports within the library must be updated to
> > "github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go/v3" as well. This created a
> > situation where imports of the subpackages within the library were not
> > using v3, but the master commit at the time Go modules was enabled:
> > 334bc15f92dd.
> >
> > Due to this problem, I'd like to propose a patch release: avatica-go
> > 3.1.1.
> >
> > I also had a look to see what solutions are available to prevent this.
> > There is a tool[1] that updates all the import paths automatically,
> > but the tool is currently in WIP status and it is not part of the
> > official Go tool chain. As the tool is untested and very new, I am
> > reluctant to introduce it to avatica-go. I think a good approach would
> > be to scan the files for the string
> > "github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go" and throw an error if the
> > expected version currently being released is not in the string. I
> > think this can be implemented as part of CALCITE-2536[2], which I will
> > bring forward to avatica-go 3.1.1.
> >
> > Please let me know what you guys think.
> >
> > Francis
> >
> >
> > [1] https://github.com/marwan-at-work/mod
> >
> > [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CALCITE-2536
> >

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