LGTM, although I'm not able to actually test on WIndows right now.

Michael Mior

Le mar. 28 août 2018 à 12:40, Vladimir Sitnikov <sitnikov.vladi...@gmail.com>
a écrit :

> Hi,
> Jenkins jobs fail due to %20 in the file path.
> CI failure holds -SNAPSHOT releases from being published.
> The good news is it looks like there's a solution.
> https://stackoverflow.com/a/17870390/1261287 suggests Paths.get
> (uri).toFile(), however that fails for "file:test.txt" kind of URLs
> Apparently uri.getSchemeSpecificPart() extracts *decoded* file name out of
> "file:test.txt", so both methods seem to cover all the cases.
> The PR is https://github.com/apache/calcite/pull/807, JIRA is
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CALCITE-2495
> It would be great if the change could get a review or two.
> On the other hand, I'm sure it could be committed as is since it is more or
> less small build-script tuning kind of change (modulo various operating
> systems)
> The idea is to implement URL handling it in Sources.of(URL), and reuse the
> class everywhere.
> On top of that, I add URL.getPath() to the list of forbidden signatures (it
> returns encoded path, so it is hard to use properly).
> Note: the PR touches lots of various adapters, however those are mostly
> mechanical changes of URL.getPath to Sources.of(URL).file()
> Vladimir

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