Excellent! Really glad to see all the work that has been happening on
streaming SQL in the Apache community get recognized.
Michael Mior

Le mar. 12 févr. 2019 à 08:11, Edmon Begoli <ebeg...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Dear Calcite community,
> I want to let you know that another significant paper featuring Calcite
> (alongside Apache Flink and Beam) has been accepted for SIGMOD 2019.
> The full title of the paper is:
> One SQL to Rule Them All – an Efficient and Syntactically Idiomatic
> Approach to Management of Streams and Tables. Edmon Begoli, Tyler Akidau,
> Fabian Hueske, Julian Hyde, Kathryn Knight, and Kenneth Knowles. To appear
> in Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD conference (SIGMOD ’19). ACM, New York, NY,
> I want to thank Julian Hyde for his contributions, and for introducing us
> to the co-authors, with special thanks to Fabian Hueske from Flink, and
> Tyler Akidau and Kenn Knowles from Beam for their outstanding contributions.
> Thank you,
> Edmon

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