Hi devs,
I am trying to estimate the selectivity of BETWEEN predicates using
histograms.   Calcite will convert it to a conjunction.
  e.g  WHERE c1 BETWEEN 10 and 20   ==>  WHERE c1 >= 10 AND c1 <= 20

The question is : what's the formula for the selectivity of the top level
AND expression ?  Since these are not conditions on independent columns,  I
don't want to multiply selectivities of individual conjuncts.   Ideally, I
want to supply the [low, high] values of the range to my histogram and have
it return the selectivity based on bucket boundaries.

However,  looking at the code in RelMdSelectivity.java and
RelMdUtil.guessSelectivity(), the behavior is to treat each conjunct
independently.  I can over-ride the relevant methods in my derived class
and implement the selectivity calculation but I am wondering if there's
some place else in Calcite that deals with such calculation.


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